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Early Detection

:: Species List (Scientific Names)


:: Species List (Common Names)


:: Table by States and Life Forms


:: Report a Sighting


:: Invasive Alerts

Use this form to alert us to sightings of invasive species and activate our early detection network, or to ask questions of our experts. This is a communication tool: reports are not entered into our database from this form (a complete field form is necessary for inclusion in the database). Please attach digital photographs if possible.
We require your name, a note to our staff, and an email address or a phone number
** indicates a required field
Your name **
Your E-mail
Your phone  (** either email or phone is required; both may be included)
Do you want to send a CC of this message to yourself Yes No
Your note to our staff **
We can also accept pictures as further documentation. They must be either a gif, jpeg, or png (*.gif, *.jpg, *.png) and less than 3 MB each in size. Remember, the larger the file the longer it will take to transfer to our server. File 1

File 2

File 3

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