I AL@TIIRITIS ed Review SLtLruuc@tlu-@re-s- Proposea Auviuw o A. DIM Staff Review Coordinator: Mr. Spear Staff to be aligned with Review Panels (Leaders) Panel Leaders 1. Robin5 Dunleavy (?) 2. Levi Flythe 3. Leacli, @or Sloan'@ Fox -7 Kaphingst 4. Ringel Kauffman Logan Morrell Roelle Wilkinson jew Consul (based on 14 total participants) B. Technical Review Consultaants Source Alternative ReDresentative 1 2 3 dvisory Council Merrill (Ch) Merrill ski iro Mars Mars Review Committee -Ane -fti!ils Am. Rhumatism Assoc.- Engleman Engleman,l Shulman w Shulman A a@d. ortho ed Sur 's Donaldson Donaldson Larson Larson ars Silverstein Silverstein Am. Phys eriv Assoc- Holmes Holme NursinR Assssoocc. Annett Annett net Gramlich Gramlich Fly4n Other Federal vla RECOMMENDED PAHL PROVAL SELECTION SOURCE & NAME D. ALLIED 1117,ALTH PROFESSIONS SECTION. ARTIIRITIS FOUNDATION ANNE-TT, PHYLISS C (RN) (See Section I - Am. Nurses Assoc) BECKER, MARJORIE, (Ph.D.) @CORDERY, JOY C. (SEE SECTION 1) HEATHERINGTON, RICHARD (RPT) v RICHARDSON, ROBERT (LPT) -4ROBINSON, HARRY Sc.D. (ARTH RES) MARTIN (RPT) ,,,,SIMONS, ARCHIBALD (RPT) ,,,SPERGEL, PHILIP (PSYCHOL) ,,/,TOWNSEND, RONNIE (MPH) WEINER, MAX (Ph.D,) ,2 / ROBINSON ROBINSON, HARO@ FRA,@', b. Band;ti,;t, N,C, Oct. 28, 18; yi@. 44; C. 2. GE@ HERBERT l@lir?GESS, b. Nfuir, Mich, AuF@@ 20, 13: M. 41. NETICS. B.S, N.C. State Co!, 39, M,S, 40, ilh.r).(agron), N(@l,,ra@@,a, 48, h,,n. Cll,','.N'ICAL ENGL@EEFZT-';G. @.'@ETALLUTRGY, D.Sc, 66. Seed in)prov. @cialist, N.C. Ct-(,p l@lifrov. As;i, 41-42; asst. Cilif. State Col. Lon@,, 13 @@(,h, 61. Res. engr, prof. exp. statist, in,3t. statist, N.C. State, 4@3-48, @tgsoc. pi-of. statist, 48- @pc,,l Iiiuh Frequency I N.Y, 39-40: rneL 51, prof, 51-58, head dept. genetics, 5q-62, dir..inst. biol. -,ci, prof. Pendix Corp, 40-43; mc@tiill. consult, Douglas genetics &- admin. d,@iLi res. 65-68; V.Cll-,Ilil@llor, Uiliv. Svst. 68-71, as@it. to v.pres, Adel Prpc:isioti Pi-od, 44-46; officer bd. regents, 70-71; PROF. DIOL. SCI. & PIIOVOST, I'Ui@l)lir UNIV. Co, 46-47; asst. dir. develop, A.0. Smith Cor 71- @lem. bd. dirs. Ctr. Res. Col. T(-achiri@, Sci. & Nlatia; ii'lt iiie:;il,ors@.ip Co!, 58-60; ASSCC. Pl@Ol@. '-';D!:ST. TECHNC conit. Am. Itist- Biol. Set, 63-64: Izitc, "iiiii)rganiziiig.Cc,,it. Y)cvelop. I,ON(, FEACH, 61- Co@@ult. rietall. & weldir, Ctr, for Res. Col. Iristr. Set. & Math, 64-C6: mciii. eiiviro@i. @oi. re5,. conit, Archit, 62-; sr. res. cnl@r@ N.Am. Aviation, Ilic, S,,"iniers 63 Nat. Iiists. Health. C,6: chmii. bd. trustees. Ar,,,onoiiiic Set. Fou@,l, 67-70; Am. Sf)c. MeWs; Am. V,"@ n@ Soc; S, ig. Welding@ clectr, )c. Mfg. ET panel food crisis in Indonesia, Nat. Ar.,,,I- Set, 68, niem. lxi. sci. @- Lechiiol. iii:L,: beat treatment; cori. iiit: metrology. Adciress: D-2pt. of o'! on int. develop, 68-; bd. trustees, Col. F.!itrance Exam Bd, 71-; cor@st:lt, 'I'ec, @)lc,,,;y, California S,,,ite University, 6101 E. Seve-itii St, Long int. niaize prog, Rockefeller Fou.,id; nicni. bur, Nat. Co!lln. Under- CA 90801@ grad. Ed. 13iol. Set; dir. panel world food supply, President's S@i. Adv. Comt; organizer quanta genetics session, Iiit. 13iomet. Co,@, Caiiibrid,,,@, R013L@,@NT, HERBERT E(Dw@@), b. Henderson. Nlont, No,,,. 7, 07- rn. 34 Eng, 63. Award, Nat. Cou@. Commercial Plant Breeders. U.S.N, 42-45, Lt. NUTP@ITIO-N, BIOCHE@NIISIRY. -T3.S, Montana, 27; Ilh.L).(nutrit, bible Fel. AAAS: fel. Am. Sec. Agron.(crop set. award, 59); Dioniet. See; Am. ptt-@i)urgit, 31. Asst. client, P@',tsburgh, 27-31; rc@s. )uti-itio,iist, S'll. I Soc. Nat; Genetics Sec. Am; Asn. Col. &, U7,i@,. Res. Admin. Po,pilatio,, and Co, 32-41, asst. dir. rc!s, 41-5,), labs, 50-53, di@, 53-59, v.pres. res. @ quantitative genetics; quantitative inheritz@-iee and maize. Addre ss : Purdue 59-65, v.pres. prod. for iniust. depts, 61-7u, v-pres. @ble il@ L University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. dei)t, 65-68. pi-es, S,4ft Chem. Co, 68-70, Cori). v-pres, r,,, 70-7@; RETIRED. Nle,,n. food & indust. adv. conan. Nlt:trit. F ROBINSON, HARRY, b. Oldham, Lancashire, Ei-,[,,, Apr. 7r 25; U.S. citizen: 42-; rieiii. White House Cor,'. Food & Nutrit; White If use Conf. Ni@tr!@ rti. 46; C. 2. BIOSTAI'ISTICS. B.Sc, Univ. @l,-tiicliester, 51; NI.S, Ciiiv. Pitts- the Af,-,@d. Car@ine food forriul t4on )n a sound basis; poultr.,. Flillsboro County, Fit,59- is and oils; processing effects on the burgh, 64, Sc.D.(t)iostatist), 68. Biostatisti, tior!; glycerides: animal fe(,d,;; 11 61; asst. prof. DEPT. PRMI. & CONMILI@@t-i Y @ilT-'D, COL. NIED, U-,rlV. triti,,e v@ut, of foods. Address: 73 5 S. Brainard Ave, La Grange, IL 6 TENN-, MENIPTM, 68- 71, ASSOC. PROF, 71 -, CIIIEF SECT. BIOSTATIST, 71-, PROG. DIR. ARTHRITIS RES, SECT. 68- "Iein, cri- P013INSO'4, LIO@VARR) A(DDISON), b. Rotterdam, N.Y, Juiv 30, 09; in, 35 teria for scleroderma sl@bcomt, dia-g. & ttierapc-ut. criteria comt, Arthritis c. 3. PHYSICS. S.B. Nitss. L@,st. Technol, 30, Savajo f@l, 30-31, uri,. f,: Found, 70-, subcomt. data on rat. needs, 72-; consult, arthritis to 32-3,5, ]i.D.Lrhysics), 35: A,-i-Ccrman exchanQe student, ?vlunich, Nat. Health Interview Bury, Dept. Health, Educ. &@. Welfare. Am. Siatist. fel, Am-Scandinavian round, Uppsala, 35-36; instr. physics. Asti; Am. Pub. Health Asn. Multi-disciplin2i-y studies; evaluation of medi- State. 3@-37; physicist, Armstrong Cork Co, 37-38, tsst. chief physici5-. c@,d care delivery systems. Address: Section of 13iostatistics, University of 36-4@'rngr. phys. res, 42-48, 50-52; attache', Am. Embassy, St@c@olm Tennessee, 858 Niadison, Room 751, Memphis, TN 38103. Sweden , 49-50; first s@cv, Am. Embassy, Paris France, 52-56; PROF PHY,qic,@ &-, CliALN. DEPY, ADEI;Plll L@'iV, 56-: dir. inst. set. &- 'n.1t.@. 5." ROBINSON, TIARRY A, b. South Bend, Ind, Mar. 11, 19; in. 45. ZOOLOGY, 63. Adj. prof, div. grad. st,,idies, Franklin & ?,Iarsliill Cot, 47; consult, WILDLIFE ?,@NAGEMENT. B.S, Colorado State@ 54, NI.S, 56, Nat. Insts. Secy, S@te, 48-52; ,tdv, State I)cpt, Ge,-ieva Aton,'- Energy Conf, 55; U..q Ifea@ fel, 66-58, Pli.D, 59. Sales & serv. rep, liesser tl-lg. Co, 45-51; dep, Orii. Ejrop. Conf. Atomic Energy, 56; ad,- @cf. kerqq@.';,,er Pol@,,- instr. biol. set, Otero Jr. Cot, 58-63, chnin. pi, 59-63; prof. bi,,I. & Iiist, summer 64: mem. subcc,,nt. 15, Nat. Coun. Radiation Pru-,ection & clinm. div. set. &, r@iath, Gen. Beadle State Cot, 63-68; CHMN. DRI. NATU- Measurement 64-66@ Optical Sec. Am; fel. Am. Ph,;s. See; Am. Asn. HAL SCI. & NIATH, f[HU@l SCOTT COL, 68- U.S.A.A.F, 41-45. Am. Sec. physics Tetchei,s; Am. Ceramic Sac. Analysis of ,.tonic spectra; plws,cs Parasitol; WilcUi-fe 'vk-t. Asn. Parasitology; endoparasitic nematodes; of glass; Inch polymer physics. Address: Dept. of Phvsics, Adelphi Uri.- sylvatic trichinosis; effect of insecticides on i,:ildlLfe; algae control in versity, Garden City, @Y 11530. @s and ponds. Address: D ivision of Natural Science & Mathematics, Hiram Scott College, Scottsbluff, -;E 69361. ROBINSON, HUGH G(ETTYS), b. New Orleans, La, Oct. 30, 28. PHYSIC-,. A.13, Erioi@y, 50, Gen. Edue. Bit. feel, 50-51; Shell Oil Co. is!, Duke, 51-53. ROBINSON, HARRY JOEN, b. Elizabeth, N.J, July 30, 13; in. 39; C. 3. TFFD- Nat. Sol. Found. fel, 53.54, Pli.D.Ct)hysics), 54. Res. assoc. PHYSICS. @IZE. A.B, N.Y. LTr,,iv, 40; Ph,D.(ni@robiol), Ritgers, 43; M.D, Columbia, 54-55; llaryland, 55-56; Wasiii.,a@on (Seattle), 56-57; ii,.str, Yale, 57-53, 48. Res. assoc, NIE:rcklrst. Therapeut. Res, 33-43, asst. dir, 43-50, as- asst. prof, 58-63; lectr, Harvard, 63-64; assue. prof, DL'@ UNIV, 64--,,l. sec. dir, 50-56, exec. cLr, 56-65, pres. & dir. res, Q,@nton Co. Div, I%Terek PROF, 7@)- U.S.A, 55-57. Am. Phvs. Sec. Atomic physics; radio freq,)@@y Co, Inc, N.J, 65-68, sr. v.pres. med. affairs. NIERCK SHARP &, DOF@,IE and microwave spectroscopy. Address: Dept. of Physics, Duke TJnivers@l,,,. RES. LABS, Pa, 68-71, V.PAES. SCI. AFFAIRS, 71- Prof. microbial. Durham, NC 27706. chi-@in: dept, Seton Hall Col. Med. & Dent, 57-58, assoc. clin. prof, 60-; assoc. atterd. physicia-r., Bellevue Hosp, 6u- Civilian with Off. Set. ROBINSON, IRA CHARLES, b ' Wetster, Fla, Aug. 27, 40; in. 62; C. 3. PF@.@,- Res. Develop, 44. Am. Sec. Pharrracol. &- Exl). Therapeut; Sec. Exp. hiAC.@'I:'IICS. B.S, Florida Agr. &- Nle-ch, 61: Am. Found. Pharniaceut. Ej-:, 13iol. !,led; Am. Sec. Clin. Invest; Am. Tied. Asil; N.Y. Acad. Sci;Alq. fel, Florida, 64-66, Ph.D.(Pharm), 66. Pharmacist, Houston's Drug Store. Soc.CLin.Pharinacol.& Therapeut. Pharniacolo@,,i@ and clinical inves- Fla, 61-62; asst. mgr, Citizens 'A'algreen Agency Drug Store, Ala, 62; p7-ir- tigations of antibiotics; hormones and chemotherapeutic azerts; studies of niacist, Lincoln Drug Stc;ie, 62-C-3; sr. res. scientist, ri!ed, prod. res. & bacterial endotoxiiis; fui,ctiors of reticuloendotheli @ll system; non-specific velop. div, Chas. Pfizer & Co. Ii,c, 66-67, tech. asst. to v.pres, 67-68; pi resistance. Address: Merck Sharp & Dohrne Research Labs, Rahway, NJ leader ptt.,trni@iceut. res, nied. res. labs, Conn, 68-69; PROF. PfL4,R%I. &. 07065. DEAN SCH. Pli@l, FLA. A&-.',I tl,%'IV, 69- kcad. Pliarii,.@ce,,,t. Sol; An,.. Pharni,-Lceut. Asn. Sustaiiied-release pharmaceutical technology; ttblet ROBINSON, HARRY L, b. Lindenhurst, N.Y, Jan. 31, 24: in. 55; C. 3@ PA- nology; pliar@iiaceliticai research @id developme r@t svstt!,iis analyses; 'nfOLOGY. A.B, Cornell, 44, I%I.D, 48, Assoc. prof. PATH, COL. DENT, cat pharmacy. Address: School of Pharmacy, Flari@a A&,@Ni University, Tex -65, PROF, 65- Nled.C, 51-53, C@t,@t, AAAS; Am. 14ed. Asn. 367, Tallahassee, FL 32307. d pathology; odontogenic tumors, Address: Dept. of Pathology, y g "'Y' .Saliva College f Intistry, New York University, 421 First Ave, New York, NY ROBINSON, l@'AN) M(AXWELL), b. Lakeville, N.S, May 2S, 20; nat; in. 44: 10010. C. 4. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. B.Se. Acadia, 40 &- 41; NI,A, Toronto, 42; Purdue, 49. Res. Can. Indust, Ltd, 42-43, 45-46; ROBINSON', HARRY M (AXINI]LIAN), JR, b. Baltimore Co, Md, Dec. 13, 09 ELI. DU IIOX'l'DF NENIOUY?3 & CO, INC, 49-52, sjovr, 52-54, secti mgr, in. 37; C. 2. DEIZ,@IATOLC>GY. B.S, Maryland, 31, @'.D, 35. Asst. DER- 54-61, ingr. tech. sales, 61-64, 1,AB. DIR, 64- R.d.A.F. 43-44. Am. Cbe@. MAT, SCH. MED, UNIV. '%ID, BALTLIORE CITY, 37-39, assoc, 39-42, asst. Sec. Varcr-p.@ase nitration; polymers; polyimides; polybenzimidozoles; prof, 42-46, assoc. prof, 46-53, PROF. 53- Chief dermatologist, St. Agnes polybeiizoxazoles; polyulefins; new industrial chemicals, Address: 1805 Hosp, 46-60; S. Baltimore Gen. Hosp, 46-; Univ. liosp, Univ. Md, 53- Coll- Shipley Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803. suit, Vot. Admin, 46-; Md. Gen. Hosp, 46-; del, U.S.Pliarmacopeia Conv, 60; met.. scope coint, TJ.S. Pliai-niacopeia, 69- Med.C. 42-45, Nlaj. Am. Med. ROBINSON, IVOR, b. Liverpool, Eng, Oct. 7, 23; ni. 63; C. @. MATHEMAT- Asn.(awaxd, 63); Ain. Dermal. Asti; Am. Acad. Derniat.(awards, 54, 63, 70); ICS, TffEOP.FTICAL PHYSICS. B.A, Cambridge, 47. Lkctr. main. U,@Iv. Am. Asn. Prof. Derm,it; Sec. Invest. Dermal; Int.Cong. Derrqat; Am. Col. Col. Wales, 50-58; res. assoc. physics, North Ca.-oliia. 59-60: Syracuse. PhysiciaiLs. Comparative ai,,atoniy: mycology; clinical investigation; re- 60-61, 62-63: vis. prof. physics &- -',tslron, Correll, 61-C@2; PROF. PffYoCS. habilitation. Address: University Hospital, Redwooci & Green St, Baltimore, Southwest. Ctr. Advm. @tu@ies. 63-69; @'rV. TFk, DALI-,kS. 69- Res. -q@- @ID 21201. see, King's Cot, 13niv. London, 59; vis. lectr, inst, theoret. rhvsics, PO]'@." Acad. Set, 59; vis. prof, Uliiv. Sydney, 65-66; Tel-Aviv Uiiiv, 66 &, 70; SL'te ROBI--NSO-',i, HENRY A(I,I.EN), b. Augusta, Ga, Aug. 21, 01; in. 24; c@ 3. chair reserved foi@ for. scholars, Col. France, 70. lnt. As'i,on. Union; A-LI ,NIATfIE-NIATICS. B.S, Georgit, 22: AT.A, lloplins, 2@, Ph.D.(ni,.l th), 31; Astron. See; Am, ?,lath. See; Am. Phys. Soc. Gravitational radiation. A@l- Univ. hii7,m. 31; Brown Urdi,. 44@ N.Y. UrLiv, 44-46. Jr. iiistr. AIATH, Johns dress: Dc@lt. of Physics, University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 30365. Hopkins Un'v 23-2C@; actin@ prof, A, I ,nes Scott Cot, 26-2,9; jr. ir@tr, forms Dallas, TX 75230. Hopkins Ll:,.i'v: 29-30; lrof, AGNES SCOTT COL, 30-70, head dc!pt. 26-70, Ell'IFR. PROF, 70- test, A@r. &, Nlech. Col. Tex, 23-24: eve. lectr, Univ. ROBINSON, JACIC H(ARDY), b. ?,it. Verron, N.Y. Niir. 27, 25; ni. 47; C. Syst. G@i, 36-39@ in,,tr, U.S. @lit. Acad, 42-46. U.S.A, 40-47, Col. Ain. COSAIOLC.@Y- II.S, Yale, 45; ?,T.A, Stanford, 50; Ed.D, Harvard. 60. hl,ith. See: ',lath. Asn. Art: Am. Sttist. Asn. Jjivei'sive geoinetry; conibi- Teachei, Valle oJr. Cot, ,isst. prof. &- course chnin. pl.1vs. natory tnilvsis; niithe-mat'cs in nature; elliptic functions. Address: 232 sell Kans.,iq 53-60; assoc. prof. sci. & m:tth. ed, IZico, E. Ilaiicc-ck'St. Decatur, GA 30030. Nat. Sol. fo.). phvsics &, philos. set, Yale. G2-63; as.@cc. Prof. I set, UNI@'. S.Fl A. 63-66, prof. 66-71, dept, C3-71, SCI. C. ROBINSON, HENRY W(ILLUM), b. Chicago, 111, Apr. 26, 24; in. 50; c@. 5. St. PF,TE@,l@,t?T@G 71- 43-4'i. l@-l-,. @:3-. I.t C' Tl',Olll('Al, PUPLIC FIFALI'll, ?,IICROfl!()LOGY. Yc,@,qtT, 47; AAAS: Nt. A. U. h I T Peters'l,tir,@ C@,-, 830 1 j, @i St. S, St. Petersburg, Fl, Z,,X)L, 62-66, C5. tj.S.N, 4.-s-46, Lt.ug). Ain. S,),@. Am. S,)c. I rop. Tied. &, ffyt,. Ai@i@ei@ic -,115L]YS@,s Of ROBINI;O',\. il@C, 1,ANDY, b. Oki@L, Jan. 6, 4-,): i,i. CI: , 2 blood ,t@id Tisu,@@ flit@ell-ttc-s: ep@,l r@liolon, of ui-,Oass, ICAL B.S. C,.17 (@2; Ph.]). (cl,,,, l@. Dept. of Uiii@-c-@,,.,;ity, Sn To, 123 S. 66. AS T. C71IF,f, SOI,7TIfF@'@', . STATE COT,, ' Calit,@ri,,i Sevelitt@ St, San IoEe, CA @,,DII4. tic. Oak P@'i Am. Ci,,,rii. S@,c. '-C,7 ; @ is. rc,.4. U.S.A, 42- 4P), T,, s, 4t)-, (:Ot. VI Co" Cln. rer,. @,rar.',, f@ ' sual cor,,@,lt, C'f) I i,, - , Olla@. -@ntii,eiit, Bjjk'@,n NL@rc.l. T15t, '3ris@ol, a:.Vaf", l@ iinion!7 t@oll: r(,,@rirrh in la@x)r rela- @f l,ercepti,;i Address: tions, ai,ci tlclirique.@ a[ ,rinied ir,@trii,'tioli; I'V I,i@,ation; @id r@ot@vatir)ii. raser University, fi,C, Can. audio visual Lqui-,ir@erit an,] use; military logistics civi, affair'; white Cut- ,),,pL. of F lar and professional unionism in lliLi,ilc@ and Far East. Ad(ire.3s: Dept. of WEI@'131;]IG, DR. IAN, b. Eng, Jan. 8, 33; ri. 64; c. 2. SOCIOLOGY. Business Acii.@iiiistration, 13orou,,.Il of Manhattan Community CIlege, 134 B.A, Oyfor,i, 01; Union fel, PriiicEton, 61, Frani@lin Murphy W. 51st St, New York, N.Y. 1002U. Jr. fcl, 62, M.A, 63, P,)i,L, r fol. 63 64, Ph.D,(sociol), 65. Asst. pt,(,f. 64-66@ res. as@,oc, llj,3sell Siige Found, 66; WELNBLATT, EVE, b. Newark, N.3, Fel>. 22, 12; div; c. 1. STATISTICS. a@, t. i,rt)f, TORO,@TO, i@@SOC. PROF, 68- IZ.A.1', 55-57. Sociol. A.B, Barriard (.ol, Columbia, 31; Carolit,.e Dt.ror mciii. f(-,I, Yale, 31-32, Asii. Nioderiiization and @,,oci@il change; historical and industrial sociology; fel, 32-33; tTarvard, 55. @-st. c@'ir. dept. statist. res, N.Y. Heart Asn, univ. sociology of ll,il)l: The En@lish p@iblic schools; the sociolo@ of 45-51; med. statistician, cmt. sjn(:c. rt,.,. proj. Health Ins. I'lan, 51-54; elite e,lucation, Athcrtoi), 67. Address: Dept. of Socioto['Y, University of statistician, div. res. & statist. HEALTH @I.NS. PLAN OF Gl@l@A'CER N@' Toronto, Toronto, Ont, Can. YOR.K, 54-60, A--ZT. DIR. R @', 60- Statist. Asti; fit. Pub. Health A.9n. Pub- lic health @d medicine Statistical research, Pubi: Autli, IZ,l tui n to work and WElr4[3E:RG, DR. YART]24 SrEPfIEN, b. Albany, '.Y, Jan. 23, 39; in. 63; c. 1. work status follo,@,i.,ig first myocardial i!,farction, Am. J. @b. Health. 2@66; SOCIOLOGY. B.A, St. Ltivretice, 60; univ. fel. i M.A. Nlassachusetts, 61; co-aith, Mvocardial infarction in iiier,: role of physical activity and smoking uiiiv. fel. & Nat. lngt. @l@nt. fic@ilth fel. &, Pli-I).(s @ciol), Northwestern 65. in incidence and mortality, J. Am. ',led. Asti, 12/66 &,, Phvsicii inactivity as AsE;t- prof. SOCIOL,, flutters, 65-68; ASSOC. IIROF, INST. SEX RES. @ a lethal factor in myocardial irlfarctic)ii among men, CircLdaiz,,,i, 12/66. Ad- INDIANA, 68- RLttgtr,, U,,iv. i-(,s. fel, 65-66; Nat. last. Me,it. Health res. dress: B(!alth Insurance Plan of Greater New York, 625 Nladison Ave, New grant, 67-C,8. So(@iol. As,); Sec. Study ';octal Ilrol)s. Social theory and the York, N.Y. 10022. socic,l(,,y of deviance. Co-auth, Deviance: the interactionist per- spective, tlaciiiillaii, CB; atiti@. Sexual modest@,,, social meanings and the WEINER, DR. -CHARLES, Hist. of Sol, see 5th ed, Dir. Am. Scholars, Vol. 1, nudist Sec. Prcl,,s, A,in@er 65; Becoming a nudist, Psychiatry, 2/66. Hist. Address: Institute for Sex liesearch, Indiana Uni,7ersity, Bloomington, Ind. 47405. WEINER, DR. CIARENCE @M(ORRIS), b. '@N'ev, York, N.Y, Feb. 20, 13; m. 44; c. 2. ECONOMICS. B.A. &- M.A, Wisconsin, 34, Pli.D.(econ), 48. Econo- WEI'.N'i3l@RG. PROF. MEYER, hist, Educ, see. @ ed, Dir. Am. Scholars, mist, Bur. Employ. Security, D.C, 38-45; Vet. Admin, 45-47; coiiil)troller, Vol@ 1, I,if;t. United Serv. for New Americans, Nes York, 48-50: nigt. ccnsilL, ,'Urv. Inst, Inc, 50-52; ECO' .ONIIST, United Auto Workers, Detroit, N@icli, 52-54; Cl- WEIBTBEP,G, NAT, b. NP,@,, York, N.Y, Feb. 15, 14; na. 35: c. 2. ECONOMICS. GAR MFRS. AS,'I, 54- Lectr, Rutgers. 47. U.S.A, 45-46. Eco!i. Asti: Sta- B.A, N.Y. Uri@v, 42. Asst. to dir, res. dept, Int. LadiE@s' Garment Workers' tist. Asti; Indust. Rels. Iles. Asn. Taxation; manpower: riark@-titif,,. Ad- Union, 37-44; libor ecor,.oiiist, off. chief ecoti. adv, off. labor prod. War dress: Cigar @,lanufacturers Association, Room 2620, 350 Fifth Ave, ';ew Prcxl. lid, 44-45; chief work & wage experience studies sect, U.S. Bur. York, N.Y. 10001. Lat>or Statist. 45-46; I,,boi economist, pro-,. br. Nat. Housing Agency, 46, dir. res. &, en,,. dept, r,T. UNION, UNITED AUTO',IOBII.,E, AEROSPACE &, WEINER, DR. DORA B(IERER), east, see 5th ed, Dir. Am. Scholars, Vol. 1, AGR. DIPLEMENT WC)RKEIZS AM, 47-57, DIR. SPEC, PROJS. & ECON. Hist. ANAI,, 57- flegt@nts' lectr, Caiforiiia, Berkeley, 66. Corsult, European Productivity Adinii@, 55. Nie!,.i, U.S. Trade Union Adv. Cint, European Pro- WEINER, DR. HAROLD, b. New York, N.Y, Mar. 28, 32; in. 59. EXPERI- ductivtty Agency, 60-62; con-3,ul,. panel econ. aspects of disarmament, U.S. MENTAI, PSYCFOI,OGY. B.B.A, Citv Col. New York, 53; !,I.A, Maryland, Dept. Stite, 61-62; consult. su"),mts, President's Adv. Cmt. on l,abor-Mgt. 57, Ph.D, 60. Assoc. res. scientist psychol, Am. fast. Res, 59-61; exp. res. Policy, 61-;,adv. cmt. oii automation & manpower, U.S. Dept. Labor, 61-62. psychologist, ST. ELIZABETH@S IIOSP. 61-64, DIR. OPERANT CONDITION- Trustee, Fed. Statist. Users Conf, 56-60. Econ. Asti; Statist. Asn,@ Indust. D;G LAB, 64- Assoc. clin. prof. psychiat, sch. med. George Washington, Rels. lies. Asn. If.,distrial relations; economic stabilization; social welfare 64- Superior serv. medal res, Dept. lipalth. Ed. & @Velfare, C4. Fel. AAAS; Pub!: ne,-it to technological change, Psycho 1. Asn. O,,)e- nt conditioning. Publ: Some effects of response cost iLnd living standards. Co-eci, Adjust@, . a Harper, 63; auth, Labor oii tle book, Saturday Rev ; The thirking behind the upon human opei-@int behavior. 62 & Operant programmer., "itli transistorized -C UAW 10 guaranteed employment p@, Micl,.. Bus. Rev. Address: Interns- digital elemerts, 63, J. E.,c,) Anal. Behav; Conditioning histo@v and maladap- ticiial Un-ion, United Automobile, Aerospace &@ Agricultural linplerient tive human operant behavior, Psychol. Reports, 65. Adcii@ess: O@Erart Con- Workers America, Special Projects Dept, 6000 E. Jefferson St, Detroit, ditioning Lab, St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. 20020. Mich. 48214. WEINER, DR. IRA W(ILLI.ALM), b. Chicago, III, Aug. 14, 17. CLINICAL PSY- WEINBERG, DR. NORRIS H(ERBERT), b. Philadelphia, Pa, June 29, 29; CHOLOGY. B.Ed, Chicago Teachers Col, 42; ',I.A, California, Los Angeles, in. 57. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. B.A, Pennsylvania, 51. M.A, 53, Ph.D, 52, Pli.D.(clin. psychol), 55. Asst. ps,,chol, California, Los @,gqes, 51-52; 58. Asst. inttr. psy(@'.iiat, Pennsylvania, 56-58, iiistr, 58-59; med. psychol, intern clin. psycliol, Vet. Admi,.i. Center, Los Angelc5, 52-55: sr. clin. psy. med. center, Califorip., Los Angeles, 59-62, 63-65; res. fel. psychol, Lon- chologist, State Ment. Hyg. Clin, Los Angeles, 55-61, San Fe,noido, 61-66; don, 62-63; s,.,. clin. psycholo@i @', Pliila. Child Gold. Clin, 65-67; CLIN. private p,,Lctice & res, 66- Consult, Compton Sch. Dist, Calif, 5@. --E SCH, 67- Consult, Abii@on flosp, Pa, 66- TJ.S.N, 42-45. Psychol@ Asn. Psychosomatic ", PSYCHOLOGIST, ASIIEOUR,, latiaiiships; @roup pro- Psyctial. Asn. Ilubl: Failurt, to fLnd distinctive personality features in a cesses. Pibl: Co-atith, Psychological factors in its dumping s@-,ilrome, J. group of obese men, Am. J. Psvchiat; co-auui, Resistance to systermitic Nerv. & Ment. Disease; Psychological factors related to results of svbtotal desensltizati@,i of pl,.Dbias, J. @lir.. Psychol, 63; auth, Conceptual level,_ self- gastrectomy, Psychosom. Nled. Address: 450 N. Bedford Dr, Beveriv Hills, centering and Piaget's egocentricity, Child Develop, 63. Address: 731D As- Calif. 90210. bury Ave, Melrose Park, Pa. 19126. WEMIERG, ROBERI'STANLEY, b. New York, N.Y. Nov. 17, 27; in. 54. WEINER, DR. IRVING 13(ERNARD), b. Grand Rapids. Mich. Aug, 16, 33. ECONO'%IICS, EC-ONC',IE'I'RICS. A.B, Washington (St. Louis), 49; B.S, N.Y. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. A.B, Nlichi,,an, 55, M.A. 57, Ph.D. 59. Asst. Univ, 50; M.S, Columbia 1 51, Asst. to dir. res, Nlkt. Data Res. Assocs, 50- psychol 'Nlichigan, 55-56, 58-59; couisr, bur. psyctol. seri,, 57-1,9: clin. 51; res. assoc, Jules 13'alknian A5,socs, 51; ati3lyst, opers eval. group, Mass. trainee, Vol. Admin, 56-58; irstr. psychiat, SCH. N,ED, & DENT. RCCH- Inst. Tech, 54.5-3; m,r. rikt. res, Int. Bus. Mach. Corp, 56-64, dir. anal. ESTER, 59-62, qr. instr, 62-6@, asst. prof, 64-67, ASSOC. PROF. PSY- sei,v, 64-66; V.PBES- CHIAT. &@ PEDLKT, 67- Asst. psychologist, Rochester Nlunic. liosp, 59-; . CORP. PLANNING, A.NHEUSER-BUSCH, INC, 66- Assoc, Ernest Dale Asgocs, 53-5,3. U.S.A.F, 51-53, Lt. AAAS; Am. Econ. Strong Mem. Hasp, 59-64, assoc. psychologist, 64-67, sr. assoc. -sycholo- Asti; Ain. Statist. Asn; Opers. Res. Sec. Ain.(assoc. oil, Opers. Res,5 gist, 67- Psychol. Asn. Validation of psychodiagnostic technio.1es; nature nic disturbance; psychological probleris of adolescents; train- Econc-met. See; Asn. Coriput. NIacti; Inst. Mgt. Sol; Royal Ecoli. So.Opera- ?f schizophrt tions research and rniiia,,en-,f-,nt science; input-output, activity and process ing in clinical psyc,iology. Publ: Psych@cliagnosis in schizophrenia, Wiley, analysis; econometric riodels of irdividual firms. Publ: An @ytical ap- 66; Differential diagnosis in amphetamine psychosis, Psvchiat. Q,,,art. 64; proach to advertising expenditire strategy; Full employment 1955-1960, a Behavior therapy in obsessive-compul@ve neurosis: tre@tr.,ierit of an adoles- feasibility test, Am. Econ. Rev; llultil)le factor br@even analyses, Opera. cent boy, Psychotherapy, 67. Address: University of Rochester Medical Res. Ad ress: 5915 L'jidell Blvd, St. -Louis, Mo. 63112. Center, Rochester,@'.Y. 14620. WEINBERG, PROF. S(A--,IUEL) IORSON, b. Chicago, DI, Oct. 10, 12; in. 46; WEINER, DR. NIAX, b. Hartford: Conn, %lay 7, 26; ri. 60. EDUCATIONAL c. 2. SOCIOLOGY, .1,C)CIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A.B, C@dc@,o, 34, A.M, 35, PSYCHOLOGY. B.A, Connecticut, 50; M.A. Trii iity Col.(Conr,). 53; Ph.D. Ph.D, 42. Asst. prof. SOCIOI., Whitman Col, 46-47; ROOSEVELT, 47-49, (ed. psychol), Yale, 57. Teacher, Pub. schs, Conn, 52-55; instr. psychol, assoc. prof, 49-55, PROF, 55-, CHMN. DEPT, 64- Via. prof, Iv@esota, New Haven Col, 54-56; dir. gold, Post Rd. Sell, White Plains Pub. Schs, 56- 51-52; Ghana, W.Africa, 60-61 ; res. fels, 57-58, 61-62; summer vis. prof, 59; instr. ED, BROOKLYN COL. 59-62, asst. prof, 62-65; ASSOC. PROF, sch. criminal, California, Berkeley, 63; Nat. Set. Foand. & Am. Social. 65- Test consult, inst. develop. studies, N.Y. Med. Col, 60-64. U.S.A, 44- Asn. vis. scientist, 63 .65; res. sociologist, med. sch, Northwestern & Inst. 46. AAAS; Psychol. Asti; Personnel &, Gold. Asti; Coun. Measurement in Juvenile Res, 65-66. U.S.A, 41-45, Lt. AAA,13; Socioi. Asti; Psychol. Asti; Ed; Asn. Measurement & Eval. Gold; Ed.-Res. Asti; Col. Persatirel Asn. Sec. Study Social Probs. Social disorganization; social psychology; crirni- Computer assisted instruction and its applications to learning; interpreta- nology. Publ: Society ard personality disorders, 52 &@ Social probl Ms in tion of tests in cowiseling; learning theory; discip@e in school. Publ: Co- e modern urban society, 68, Ilrer@Lice- Hall; ed, Th .e Sociology of mental dis- auth, A fourth validation of a reading progiosis test for children of varying orders, Aldine, 67. Address: Dept. of Sociology &- Anthropology, Roosevelt socioeconomic status, Ed. & Psychol. Nleasurement, 66; Studying student University, 430 S. Nlictii@ Ave, Chicago, DI. 60605. attitudes, In: Research i_zuideliiies for high school counselors, Col. Entrance Exam. Bd, 67; autli, Psychological testing and the college counselor, In: WEINBERG, WILI-IA.NT ?,I, Indust. Rels, see 10th ed, Sec. &, Behav. Vols. CounseliDg of college, students, Macndil@n, 68. Address; 515 E. Save @ St, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218. WEINBERGER, PROF. LESTLI,, b. New York. N.Y, June 23, 16. ECONOM- ICS, SOCIOLOGY. B.S, City Col. New York, 38, fel, 38-40; B.S, Columbia, WEINER, MERVYN L, b. Montreal, Que, Oct. 30, 22; m. 51; c. 2. ECONOM- 39; M.A, New Scfi. %c. lies, 51, Ph.D.(econ, so,2iol), 58. Asst, library, City ICS B.Com, McGill, 43; Rhodes scholar. & B.Phil, Oxford, 48; Johnston Col. New York, 40-42, 46-56, dir. audio visual center, 56-66, lec(r. per- sch@la-r, Hopkins, 49-51. ECO-\. ADV, WEST. HEIvMPIfERE D PT, @-T. sonn@-I &- labor ii)et, 5B-OG; IlFtOF. PERSONNEL I.NJ)USI'. REI,S, BARUCH BANK RECONSTRUCT. &, DEVELOP, 51- C@,i. Army, 43-46, Capt. Econ. COL, CITY L@. -. ,IEW YORK, 66-, DUS.ArjNILN, BOROUGH MANHATTAN Asn. Economic development. Address: 3206 Cumniings Lane, Chevy Chase, COI,IMUNITYCOL,(,7-,dir.f-, de@City Univ.Col.Center,66-67. A,,idiovi- Md. 20015.