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Conservation Program Savings
Conservation is a cornerstone of Oregon’s energy policy because it is the most environmentally clean resource and, over the long run, it is the cheapest.
The opportunities to become energy efficient come from virtually every house, building, industrial plant, appliance, machine and piece of equipment that uses energy. In tapping these opportunities, the Oregon Department of Energy provides information to consumers, demonstrates new technologies, and offers a variety of programs to encourage Oregonians to conserve energy and use renewable resources.
The Oregon Legislature in 1975 first set as state goals the promotion of "the efficient use of energy resources" and the development of "permanently sustainable energy resources." Throughout a variety of economic conditions and political climates, every legislature since that time has reaffirmed the importance of the state’s commitment to conservation and renewable resources.
This report (PDF) describes activities of the Department of Energy and gives estimates of the energy they saved in 2003.
Total yearly savings*
Electricity 6.2 billion kilowatt-hours
Natural gas 201 million therms
Oil 11.6 million gallons
Wood and other fuels 2.2 trillion Btu
Altogether, yearly savings are 45 trillion Btu. For comparison, the yearly savings are roughly equivalent to the amount of energy used by a city the size of Salem each year.
*Savings from major programs, starting in 1979.
Includes savings from programs that are no longer offered.

Page updated: August 01, 2007

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