Illinois Farm Beginnings
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2009 Spring Field Days/Workshops

The events listed below are part of the Central Illinois Farm Beginnings (CIFB) program, but are also open to the public. There is a $30 fee per event for registrants who have not been enrolled in CIFB. Visit this link or contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant of the University of Illinois Extension and co-facilitator of CIFB at

Saturday, March 14, 2009
General Plant Propagation and Production for the Vegetable Grower


David McLaughlin, Assistant Professor of Horticulture and Coordinator of Horticulture Program, Richland Community College and 2007-2008 CIFB Student


Richland Community College, Decatur


1:00 - 4:00 pm


Learn how to successfully start vegetables and flowers from seed, plugs, bare root or plant propagation. This workshop will include hands-on planting, transplanting and plant propagation, as well as practical plant practices and equipment the beginning farmer can utilize. Topics will include: Vegetable and Flower Production (variety selection, production equipment, production volume and scheduling, containers, soil mixes, seeding, plug and bare root and transplanting); Plant Propagation (plant selection and taking cuttings) and Sales. Participants will receive transplants to include in their farming operation.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Web Marketing for Your Farm
Saturday, March 28, 2009
VegScout School
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Evaluating Soil Quality and Soil Maps
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Equipment for Small Farmers

All Farm Beginnings material was developed by the Land Stewardship Project and is based on the experiences of their farmer members. It is used by permission under license. For more information, please visit The Land Stewardship Project. Central Illinois Farm Beginnings adapts these original materials based on the experiences of its local farmers and steering committee members.