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Plant Health programs
Phytophthora ramorum Surveys
Field inspections
Virus certification program
Imported timber
Seed testing program
General diagnostics
Phytophthora ramorum
Phytophthora ramorum, the cause of sudden oak death and related diseases, was first discovered in Curry County, Oregon, in 2001. ODA and its cooperators have been actively working to eradicate the pathogen from the infested forest and urban areas. The disease is now found on 128-acres, infesting tan oak, wild rhododendrons and evergreen huckleberry.
In 2003, the pathogen was discovered for the first time infesting nursery stock on the West Coast, including plants in six Oregon nurseries. The pathogen was successfully eradicated from those nurseries. However, its discovery in two large, wholesale nurseries (one in California and one in Oregon) during 2004 prompted ODA to adopt the P. ramorum -free Certification Program . This program is designed to meet USDA requirements for assuring all nursery stock shipped from the state is P. ramorum -free. The Plant Health Section provides all laboratory testing for this certification program while Plant Division's Nursery and Christmas Tree Program provides all required visual inspections.
For more information, contact Nancy Osterbauer or call 503-986-4620.

Field inspections
Plant Health section staff members provide several field inspection services for official phytosanitary certification. All inspections are done to meet the import (quarantine) requirements of Oregon's customers. Services provided include the inspection of seed fields for the presence of seed-borne diseases, mint fields for the fungus Verticillium, potato fields for the fungus Phytophthora infestans, and Allium fields for the presence of the disease white rot (Sclerotium cepivorum). There are fees associated with these services.
For more information about these services, please contact Shawn Meng or call 503-986-4620.

Virus certification program
The Virus Certification Program for fruit and ornamental plant species has been providing fee-supported testing services for Oregon nurseries since 1990. In this program, fruit and ornamental varieties of Malus (apples and crabapples), Prunus (cherries [fruiting and ornamental], plums [fruiting and ornamental], peaches, apricots , etc.), Pyrus (domestic pears, Asian pears, and flowering pears ), and Cydonia (quince) are tested for viruses of quarantine significance to Oregon´s interstate and international consumers. On average, twenty-five nurseries participate in this program. A summary of the varieties grown by each nursery in the program is sent to state, federal and Canadian officials each year upon request.  
For more information about this program, contact  Dr. Mohamed ("Sid") Sedegui.

Imported timber
The imported timber inspection program began in 1996 as a means of monitoring imported, untreated wood products for exotic (non-native) plant pests and diseases. Importers are required to notify the department of any incoming shipments of untreated (i.e., non-heat treated) wood products. Official inspectors then inspect and, if necessary, test the products. This program is supported by fees based on the amount of product imported.
For more information about this program, contact Nancy Osterbauer or call 503-986-4620.

Seed testing program
The Plant Health Section conducts laboratory tests to detect specific seed-borne fungi, bacteria, nematodes, pests, diseases and other miscellaneous problems on seeds of grasses, clover and other crops. These tests are performed at the request of Oregon seed producers to meet the phytosanitary requirements of their international customers. The section also provides testing for endophyte (Neotyphodium sp.) in grass seed. Many states and countries have a quarantine against this fungus because it produces alkaloids that can be harmful to livestock. All samples tested for official phytosanitary certification must be collected by an official inspector from the Commodities Inspection Division. A fees are charged for the collection and testing of the seed.
For more information about the seed testing program, contact Lorri Cooper , or call 503-986-4620.

General diagnostics
The Plant Health Laboratory provides a general diagnostic service for the nursery industry, various governmental agencies, licensed landscapers, the Christmas tree industry, and other customers. Many tests are conducted in addition to those required by specific survey and certification programs. Tests performed include screening for nematodes, fungi, viruses, and bacteria, and visual analysis for pests and abiotic problems. Fees are charged for these services . Samples may be collected by the grower or by an official inspector such as a Nursery Program horticulturist .
For more information about these services, please call 503-986-4620 or ask your horticulturist.

The Plant Health Program conducts a number of surveys for pathogens and parasites of quarantine significance. Many of these surveys are conducted to maintain pest-free status for the state or for a specific county. Pests such as Columbia root-knot nematode and Karnal bunt are surveyed for annually. Surveys for other pathogens, like plum pox virus or golden nematode, are conducted on an as needed basis, usually to maintain markets for Oregon products but also in response to concerns about potential introduction of a new pest into Oregon.  Industry may also request a survey for a specific pest to support the opening of new markets for their product. These surveys are supported by federal grants or by industry.
Please call 503-986-4620 for more information about these surveys.

Page updated: April 21, 2008

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