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Plant Health Laboratory fees
Laboratory fees for samples
Endophyte testing
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Laboratory fees for samples
lab work
603-052-1150: Laboratory fees for official, regulatory and service samples
The following fees and charges are established for laboratory or other testing services including sample processing, analysis and issuance of certificates or official reports. The basic fee for official, regulatory and service samples is established at $70.00 per hour, with a minimum fee of $35.00.
The fees and charges for specific routine tests are:
  • Spore wash and microscopic examination per fungal species -- $50;
  • Fifty-seed stain and microscopic examination for endophyte -- $85;
  • Seed, soil or tissue test for nematodes -- $35;
  • Visual exam for regulated pests -- $60 for pesticide treated seed and $50 for untreated seed;
  • Visual exam for regulated contaminants -- $45;
  • Visual exam for regulated pests and regulated contaminants --$70;
  • Isolation on standard growth media -- $35;
  • Growth media pH and conductivity --$35;
  • Seed grow out for bacteria --$140;
  • ELISA for virus detection in seed --$140.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 561 , ORS 571 & ORS 632
Stats. Implemented: ORS 561.190 , ORS 571.145 & ORS 632.940

Endophyte testing
603-056-0165: Application and fees for endophyte fungus testing
An application for endophyte fungus testing shall be made on a form prescribed by the department, which shall include the consent of the applicant for the department to enter premises in order to obtain seed samples for testing purposes.
At the time the seed samples are obtained, unless the department specifies a later time, the applicant shall pay to the department a fee as set forth in 603-052-1150. The fees specified in this rule are for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by the department, and any other cooperating agency, in carrying out the sampling and testing procedures to determine the existence of endophyte fungus in forage grass seed, and payment of the fee shall not be construed as granting any right or privilege to an applicant.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190 & ORS 633.680
Stats. Implemented: ORS 633.680
Hist.: AD 12-1983, f. & ef. 9-20-83; AD 16-1991, f. & cert. ef. 9-10-91

Additional information

Page updated: April 21, 2008

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