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Detailed Statistical Tables

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List of Tables
Table Table Name Excel Spreadsheet (.xls). Portable Document Format (.pdf).
1 Doctorates awarded, by field of study: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
2 Doctorates awarded to women, by field of study: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
3 Doctorates awarded, by sex, citizenship status, and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
4 Percentage distribution of science and engineering doctorates awarded, by sex, citizenship status, and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
5 Doctorates awarded to U.S. citizens or permanent residents, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
6 Doctorates awarded to male U.S. citizens or permanent residents, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
7 Doctorates awarded to female U.S. citizens or permanent residents, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
8 Doctorates awarded to U.S. citizens, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
9 Doctorates awarded to male U.S. citizens, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
10 Doctorates awarded to female U.S. citizens, by race/ethnicity and major field of study of recipients: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
11 Non-U.S. citizens awarded doctorates in science and engineering, by visa type and country of citizenship: 1995–2004 .xls .pdf
12 Doctorates awarded, by state, institution, and major field: 2004 .xls .pdf
13 Definite postgraduation plans of doctorate recipients, by citizenship status and major field: 2004 .xls .pdf
14 Percentage distribution of definite postgraduation plans of doctorate recipients, by citizenship status and major field: 2004 .xls .pdf
15 Definite postgraduation plans of U.S. citizen and permanent resident doctorate recipients, by sex and major field: 2004 .xls .pdf
16 Percentage distribution of definite postgraduation plans of U.S. citizen and permanent resident doctorate recipients, by sex and major field: 2004 .xls .pdf

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