National Animal Identification System
Premises Registration - State of Nevada

The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDOA), through the office of the State Veterinarian, has a contract with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the implementation of the National Animal Identification System or NAIS.

The NAIS Program was designed to protect animal health. We cannot predict when a disease outbreak will be threatened or occur or how severe it might be. By registering your premises the ability to trace back livestock and other species, should the need arise, is enhanced. The earlier the ability to respond lessens the impact and prepares for a “return to normal”. Participation in premises registration will help to ensure protection to your animals and your investment by establishing an open line of communication.

Premises registration is the foundation of NAIS. The attached form was designed to register your premise(s). There is no fee to register; the number of animals or birds of any species are not recorded. Since this is a voluntary program, the information gathered is confidential; therefore not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Please complete the Registration Form (PDF) and return it to the Department of Agriculture at the address indicated below at your earliest opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact
775/688-1180 Ext. 236 or email Thank you for your participation. Other links:

The Registration Form is an interactive PDF document. You can fill it out on-line, print it for mailing; or simply print the document, complete and return it.
Nevada Department of Agriculture
Holly Pecetti, Animal Identification Coordinator,
           Program Officer I
350 Capitol Hill Ave.
Reno, Nevada 89502


You will need the Acrobat reader to view the registration form.  
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