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Biota of the Colorado Plateau

Biotic Communities

Alpine Tundra
Subalpine Conifer Forest
Quaking Aspen Forest
Mixed Conifer Forest
Ponderosa Pine Forest
Montane Chaparral/Scrub
Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
Mountain Grasslands
Semi-arid Grasslands
Mountain Wetlands
Riparian Areas
Elevational Range
Merriam's Life Zones

Changes in the Biota

Endangered Species
California Condor
Endangered Fish
Mammal populations
Megafaunal Extinction
Invasive/Exotic Species
Forest Composition
Species Range Expansion
Species Extirpations
Status and Trends of Plants
Riparian Degradation
Loss of Beaver
Wildfire History and Ecology
Ponderosa Fire Ecology
Tamarisk Invasion

Agents of Biotic Change

biotaEndangered Fish on the Colorado Plateau

Adapted from: Mac, M. J., Opler, P. A., Haecker, C. E. P. and Doran, P. D., editors. 1998. Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources - Southwest. United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, 986 pp. Also available at <>.


Freshwater fishes are the most imperiled vertebrate group in the United States (Williams et al. 1989; Minckley and Deacon 1991; Warren and Burr 1994). In the United States, about 20% of fishes are extinct or imperiled, as compared with 7% of the country's mammals and birds (Master 1990). Almost 30% of the surface land area in the conterminous United States occurs west of the Continental Divide, but only about 21% of the roughly 800 freshwater fishes native to the United States are found there. Aquatic ecosystems in western North America, however, particularly in the Southwest, are endowed with some of the highest rates of endemism on the continent. In the Colorado River basin, for example, 35% of all native genera and 64% of the 36 fish species are endemic (Carlson and Muth 1989). The other southwestern watershed that demonstrates a high degree of fish endemism (30%) is the Rio Grande in New Mexico.

The level of threats to western fishes is also high and is probably best reflected in the number of imperiled species found in each state. Southwestern states have some of the highest percentages of threatened fish fauna: Arizona, 85%; California, 72%; New Mexico, 30%; and Utah, 42% (Warren and Burr 1994; Fig. 1).

Freshwater fish numbers

Fig. 1. Numbers of native freshwater fish species in the lower 48 states (purple number) and number of fishes recognized by fisheries professionals as endangered, threatened, or of special concern (red number; based on Warren and Burr 1994). Regionally, more than 48% of the fishes in the Southwest have been identified as jeopardized, compared with 19% in the Northwest and 10% in the Southeast (Warren and Burr 1994).

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Fig. 2. Major river drainages in the Southwest.

Because we cannot present all possible situations affecting southwestern fishes, we emphasize factors relevant to the decline and demise of these fishes by using shared ecological traits to illustrate the problems faced by these fishes. Fish communities of the main-stem Colorado River and associated major tributaries, mountain headwater systems in the Gila River drainage (see box on Gila Trout), and the main-stem Rio Grande are discussed here (Fig. 2). The fishes in these communities range from long-lived, large-bodied fishes found in large, highly variable rivers to small, specialized fishes that have been isolated for thousands of years in relatively stable environments.

Colorado River Fishes

Perhaps no other group of fishes better exemplifies the problems confronting aquatic ecosystems in the Southwest than the fishes of the Colorado River basin. More studies have been conducted and reports written on this group of fishes than any other assemblage of nongame fishes in the region. The Colorado River basin is the largest watershed in the Southwest, draining portions of seven western states, including about one-twelfth of the land area in the contiguous United States. The threats to this ecosystem are numerous and synergistic. Numerous dams on the main-stem river represent the most significant environmental perturbation facing these fishes. Main-stem impoundments have drastically changed water temperature, converted the river from sediment-laden to relatively clear, altered historical patterns of spring floods and the general water-flow regime, and blocked migratory pathways for fishes. Consequent modification or loss of habitat for native species and the creation of suitable habitat for nonindigenous fishes have irreversibly altered the Colorado River aquatic ecosystem.

Although only 36 native freshwater fish species formerly lived in the Colorado River basin--a low number relative to basins east of the Continental Divide--species-level endemism is high (64%) (Carlson and Muth 1989). The number of native species in the major Colorado River basin drainages ranges from 5 (Bill Williams River) to 18 (Gila River). Although many of these endemic species are restricted to specific river systems in the Colorado River (for example, Virgin spinedace--Virgin River; spikedace and loach minnow--Gila River; woundfin--Virgin, Salt, and Gila rivers), several endemic taxa once were found generally distributed in main-stem habitats throughout the basin.

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Fig. 3a. Colorado Squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius). Anecdotal accounts refer to squawfish 2 meters long and weighing 45 kilograms. The maximum weights recorded in historical collections were 30 to 40 kilograms. Illustration by Kent Pendleton. Courtesy of Colorado Division of Wildlife. Colorado Outdoors, May-June, 1975.

Fishes that inhabit and evolved in large rivers in the Colorado River basin are members of the chub complex (roundtail chub, humpback chub, and bonytail), Colorado squawfish (Fig. 3a), and the razorback sucker. Of this group, four species are listed as endangered and one (roundtail chub) is a sensitive species (formerly Category 2 candidate; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1994a). Most recent fisheries investigations have been directed at the three endangered Colorado River cyprinids--Colorado squawfish, humpback chub, and bonytail.

Studies on the Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius, a.k.a. Colorado pikeminnow) demonstrated that it is a highly migratory species that formerly occurred throughout the basin but is now reduced to about one-third of its original range. Natural populations of this large-river fish have been eliminated from the lower basin, and the species is rare in the upper basin.Humpback chubs inhabit relatively inaccessible reaches of the Colorado River system. Although this endemic Colorado River fish probably was found historically in most large-river habitats of the Colorado River, it now exists in only five canyon reaches in the upper basin--in the Grand Canyon in Arizona and near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers. Researchers believe that this last locality harbors one of the largest remaining humpback chub populations and that it is the spawning locality of Grand Canyon populations.

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Fig. 3b. Bonytail chub (Gila elegans). Historically, the bonytail was probably one of the most abundant fishes in the Colorado River basin but has now been called   functionally extinct (Carlson and Muth 1989). Illustration by Kent Pendleton. Courtesy of Colorado Division of Wildlife. Colorado Outdoors, May-June, 1975.

Bonytails (Gila elegans, a.k.a. bonytail chubs; Fig. 3b) are the rarest of the endemic big-river fishes of the Colorado River. This fish species experienced the most abrupt decline of any of the long-lived fishes native to the main-stems of the Colorado River system and, because no young individuals have been found in recent years, has been called functionally extinct (Carlson and Muth 1989). Bonytails were one of the first fish species to reflect the changes that occurred in the Colorado River basin after the construction of Hoover Dam; the fish was extirpated from the lower basin between 1926 and 1950. In reference to the rapid demise of bonytails, Behnke and Benson (1980:20) said, "If it were not for the stark example provided by the passenger pigeon, such rapid disappearance of a species once so abundant would be almost beyond belief." Bonytails were also extirpated from several upper basin rivers (Green, Gunnison, and Yampa rivers) where they were once common. Populations in free-flowing waters now apparently survive only in the Colorado River in Colorado and Utah. The largest population of bonytails occurs in Lake Mohave (Mueller and Marsh 1995), but this population consists only of old individuals, and there is no evidence of reproduction.

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Fig. 3c. Razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). A principal commerical fish in the early 1900s, this species has had no  significant reproduction in recent years. Illustration by Kent Pendleton. Courtesy of Colorado Division of Wildlife. Colorado Outdoors, May-June, 1975.

Only recently have investigations begun to focus on the razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus, Fig. 3c)--one of the most threatened big-river fishes in the Colorado River basin (Mueller and Marsh 1995). This fish was formerly so abundant throughout the main-stem and major tributaries of the Colorado River basin that in the early 1900s it was one of the principal fishes taken by a commercial fishery in southern Arizona (Hubbs and Miller 1953). Additional anecdotal accounts of the abundance of razorback suckers occur in historical reports from the 1880s through the 1940s. This unique fish now inhabits only 1,208 (river) kilometers in the upper basin, while the only substantial population in the lower basin occurs in Lake Mohave (McAda and Wydoski 1980; Marsh and Minckley 1989). The most serious problem for the razorback sucker is the lack of any significant reproduction in recent years.

The dilemma of big-river fishes in the Colorado River basin is not limited to these species, which are accorded some level of federal protection. For example, the flannelmouth sucker, one of the most common suckers in many portions of the upper basin, has been eliminated from the Gila River drainage.

Concurrent with the decline in native fish species has been an increase in the species richness and abundance of nonindigenous fishes. Maddux et al. (1993) reported the introduction of at least 72 fish species, twice the number of native fishes, into the Colorado River basin. Many of these introduced fishes have established successful populations in parts of the Colorado River system and now are serious predators of young suckers, chubs, and squawfish.

Causes of Imperilment

Little debate occurs among fisheries professionals about the causes of imperilment and extinctions of southwestern fishes. Most frequently mentioned causes are construction of dams, loss of physical habitat, habitat degradation, chemical pollution, overexploitation, and introduction of nonindigenous species. Dam construction and regulation probably had the greatest adverse effect on native fishes of southwestern rivers, while the effects of excessive groundwater pumping have imperiled many spring systems and their associated fauna. The number of nonindigenous fish species in the Southwest is considerable: Arizona has 71 species; New Mexico, 75 species; Utah, 55 species; and Texas, 96 species (Boydstun et al. 1995).

As a whole, fishes in the western United States are clearly more imperiled than those in the eastern United States. More than half of the fishes listed as endangered or threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or being considered for such listing, occur west of the Continental Divide. The commonly observed pattern is the disappearance of the most sensitive fishes, followed by the collapse of whole fish faunas in major western river basins. If current efforts directed at recovery of native western fishes are not continued and successful, we could witness the disappearance of most of the region's endemic fish fauna.

Recovery strategies for aquatic organisms in the Southwest vary depending on their perceived problems and life-history strategies. In general, researchers know what is required to recover most threatened and endangered fishes, but some solutions (for example, removing dams) may be unrealistic and controversial. The most frequently cited solution is habitat preservation, which may be relatively simple for fishes with restricted distributions and small population sizes. Recovery strategies for long-lived, wide-ranging species, such as the Colorado squawfish, are more complex and require a long-term commitment. The unique ecological requirements of the various life-history stages of long-lived species dictate the need for protection of extensive river reaches and perhaps changes in water use. Realistic possibilities for recovery of the native fish fauna of the Southwest are decreasing as human populations increase and formerly uninhabited lands become developed, causing native fish populations to decline further.

References and Resources:

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