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Poison Center

College of Pharmacy, 1295 N. Martin
PO Box 210202, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Phone: (520) 626-1427

445 N. 5th St., Ste.120
Phoenix AZ 85004
Phone: (602) 293-3222
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Webmaster | Last updated: 10/01/2008

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Hazardous Materials

For accidental hazardous material poisoning:
Call 1-800-222-1222 or your emergency department or physician for advice immediately.

Disposal and Recycling Resources
A list of useful phone numbers and Web sites that have more information on where and how to recycle or dispose of hazardous materials.

Know what is hazardous

What are some commonly used household products that could be a potential hazard?

Why should I be concerned with hazardous materials?

What  makes materials hazardous to health and the environment?

They are substances which are

While most packages of commercially available products offer adequate instructions on the storage and use of these potentially harmful materials, they rarely contain instructions on how to properly dispose of them.

What to do when buying hazardous materials

If hazardous material spills

These are general instructions and do not apply in all cases.
For specific spills, read label or call the poison center for advice.

In many communities, the local fire department will provide helpful assistance with spill and clean up questions; waste management and disposal companies in many locales also offer advice and assistance on such occasions.

Know how to dispose of unused hazardous materials

Cleaners & Household Products

Aerosol Cans

Pool Chemicals (Acids & Chlorine)

Pesticides and Herbicides

Automotive Waste Disposal

Oil: Drain waste oil into a container with a tight-fitting lid and take it to a Household Hazardous Waste site or a local automotive store.

Antifreeze: Take antifreeze to a Household Hazardous Waste site.

Gasoline: Drain used gasoline into leakproof plastic container with tight-fitting lid and take it to a Household Hazardous Waste site. Do not store gasoline.

Paint Products: Solvents, paint thinners and wood preservatives, in particular, should not be dumped into the sewer system. Take these items to a Household Hazardous Waste site.

For accidental hazardous material poisoning:
Call 1-800-222-1222 or your emergency department or physician for advice immediately.

About Poison Centers and Hazardous Materials Accidents
In the early 1980s, the role of many poison control centers began to expand. Spills, leaks, fires and other incidents that occurred during the manufacture, transport, storage or use of hazardous chemicals and toxic substances were taking place with alarming frequency throughout the United States. Many poison control centers became resources for toxicologic information and referral assistance during chemical release accidents. Poison control centers became an integral part of the community's network of agencies, services and individuals with designated responsibilities and duties for managing and giving assistance during hazardous materials incidents.