The Plant List

triangle bur-sageAmbrosia deltoidea

Common: Triangle bur-sage, triangleleaf bur-sage, rabbit bush, burrobush
Family: Asteraceae
Origin: South-central Arizona and in Sonora and Baja California
Light: Full sun, reflected heat
Soil: Well drained, deep soil
Water: Drought resistant

Perennial shrub in sunflower family that grows to 2 feet high. A "nurse" shrub for young cacti growing in the shade. Tough enough for highway median planting, this shrub is also attractive enough to plant around the home. Use throughout a cactus garden to soften and unify the planting. Can be used as groundcover and erosion control. Gives nice contrast to green leaf plants. The triangular-shaped leaves are greenish-gray above and white and wooly beneath., finely toothed, 1 to 1-1/4" long. Greenish, petalless flowers 1/4" wide appear December to April in a terminal spike, followed by 1/4" long burlike fruits with hook tipped spines.

Habitat is washes, gravelly slopes and desert flats, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation. Stabilizes the soil. Causes severe hay fever in spring. Should not be the dominant plant in your landscape if you suffer from allergies!

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