Board of Directors
Summer 2006

Welcome to the TN-EPPC Website!  Explore the following links for information about TN-EPPC, invasive exotic species, dealing with invasive plants, landscaping with native plants, and much more.  Enjoy!

About TN-EPPC New on the Site! Join TN-EPPC
Invasive Exotic Plants

Invasive Alert!
Cogon Grass

Landscaping with Natives
Useful Links Ordinances and Laws
Calendar of Events Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Next Board Meeting: 02/11/09

What the TN-EPPC Does:

Raise public awareness about the spread of invasive exotic plants into Tennessee natural areas;

Facilitate the exchange of information concerning management and control of invasive exotic plants;

Provide a forum for all interested parties to participate in meetings, workshops, and an annual symposium, and to share the benefits from the information provided by TN-EPPC;

Serve as an educational, advisory, and technical support council on all aspects of exotics;

Initiate campaign actions to prevent further introductions.


The Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council Endorses:

the idea of a state invasive species management plan, and

the St. Louis declaration.

Home About TN-EPPC New on the Site Join TN-EPPC Invasive Exotic Plants Invasive Alert Landscaping with Natives Useful Links Ordinances and Laws Calendar of Events Next Board Meeting  

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Site Updated 12/22/2008
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