University of Missouri-Columbia
MU Greenley Memorial
Agricultural Experiment Station
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Driving directions
Novelty, Knox County

Field Day
*Our Field Day was held August 7, 2008




Variety Testing


Contact us
Randall Smoot
P.O. Box 126
Novelty, MO 63460
Phone: 660-739-4410


K. Nelson, D. Harder, E. Dilworth, and R. Smoot

Clear hilum soybean are food grade soybean grown for use in soymilk and tofu production. In 1999, there was little organic soybean production research data available on clear hilum soybean in Missouri. Returns from organic food-grade soybean were estimated at over $400/acre when compared with regular soybean averaging 48 bu/acre and a market price of $5.25/bu (Frerichs et al. 2000). Yield comparisons were initiated in 1999 at the Greenley Research Center under a typical organic soybean production culture which utilized multiple tillage treatments for weed control. Two or three rotary hoeings were followed by at least two cultivations and hand weeding if necessary.

A research study was initiated to compare a typical organic weed management system to a conventional Roundup Ready® weed management system (Table 1). Asgrow 3701 soybean were planted on June 12, 2001 in 30 inch rows. Plots were 10 by 30 ft. Roundup UltraMax was applied on July 23 to eight to 24 in. weeds. Weeds included tall waterhemp, velvetleaf, redroot pigweed, common lambsquarters, Venice mallow, prickly sida, large crabgrass, giant foxtail, fall panicum, and jimsom weed. Weed-free soybean grain yield was 45.2 bu/a which was similar to the Roundup Ready® and organic weed management systems. Grain yield for all treatments was greater than the untreated control.

Additional information on organic production systems and organic soybean is available from your local extension agronomist. In Northeast Missouri, contact Dr. Leon McIntyre (Linn Co.) or Dr. Alix Carpenter (Marion Co.) for additional information on organic soybean production or marketing. The results of this study have been encouraging continued research has been planned at the Greenley Memorial Research Center.

Table 1. Organic weed control compared with a Roundup Ready® weed management system in 2001 (Organ0201).

Weed management programYield

Organic (Rotary hoe 2x fb cultivation 2x) 37.6^
Untreated control 14.3
Roundup UltraMax (26 oz/acre) + AMS (17 lb/100 gal) 44.6^
Weed-free 45.2^^
LSD (p<0.05) 8.0

^Grain yield was not significantly less than the highest yielding treatment.
^^ Highest yielding treatment.


Frerichs, R.L., E.D. Nafziger, B.E. Swanson, S. Eckhoff, and D.H. Lattz. 2000. Specialty corn and soybean fact sheets. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. AE-4736. pp. 48.

The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station is the research arm of the
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
at the University of Missouri-Columbia

Site maintained by people at AgEBB