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Agency Status of New Mexico Rare Plants

Please Note: Plants followed by the statement "(Not NMRPTC Rare)" do not meet NMRPTC criteria for rarity, but do have status with one or more agencies.
Taxon USFWS State of NM USFS BLM Navajo Nation Natural Heritage NM Global Rank
Abronia bigeloviiSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Abronia bolackiiSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Adenophyllum wrightii var. wrightii (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC.Sen..SHG1?
Agastache canaSoCSoC...S3G4
Agastache pringlei var. verticillataSoCSoC...S2G3G4T2
Aliciella formosaSoCE.SSGp 4S2G2
Allium gooddingii (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoCESen.Gp 3S1G4
Amsonia fugateiSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Amsonia tharpiiSoCE.SS.S1G1
Anticlea mogollonensisSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Anulocaulis leiosolenus var. gypsogenusSoCSoC...S4G4T4
Anulocaulis leiosolenus var. howardiiSoCSoC...SNRG4T2
Aquilegia chaplineiSoCSoCSen..S2G4T2
Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisectaEEESS.S2G4G5T2
Arida blepharophyllaSoCSoC.SS.SHG1
Asclepias sanjuanensisSoCSoC..Gp 4S3GUQ
Asclepias uncialis ssp. uncialis (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC.Sen..S2G3G4T2T3
Astragalus altusSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Astragalus castetteriSoCSoC...S3G3
Astragalus chuskanusSoCSoC...S2?G3
Astragalus cliffordiiSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Astragalus cobrensis var. maguireiSoCSoCSen..S2G4T2
Astragalus cottamiiSoCSoC...S3G4
Astragalus cyaneusSoCSoC...S4G4
Astragalus feensisSoCSoC...S3G3
Astragalus gypsodesSoCSoC...S2G2
Astragalus heiliiSoCSoC..Gp 4SNRG1?
Astragalus humillimusEE.SSGp 2S1G1
Astragalus humistratus var. crispulusSoCSoCSen..SNRG4G5T3?
Astragalus kerriiSoCSoCSenSS.S2G2
Astragalus knightiiSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Astragalus micromeriusSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Astragalus missouriensis var. accumbensSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Astragalus missouriensis var. humistratusSoCSoCSen..SNRG5T1
Astragalus naturitensisSoCSoC..Gp 3S2G2G3
Astragalus neomexicanusSoCSoC...S3G3
Astragalus nutriosensisSoCSoC...SNRG3?
Astragalus oocalycisSoCSoC...S3G4
Astragalus puniceus var. gertrudisSoCSoC...S3?G4T3?Q
Astragalus ripleyiSoCSoCSenSS.S3?G3?
Astragalus siliceusSoCSoC...S3G3
Astragalus wittmanniiSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Atriplex griffithsiiSoCSoC.SS.S2G2G3
Brickellia chenopodinaSoCSoC...SHGHQ
Calochortus gunnisonii var. perpulcherSoCSoCSen..S4?G5T4?
Carex ultra (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC.Sen..S3?G3?
Castilleja organorumSoCSoC.SS.S3G3Q
Castilleja ornataSoCSoC.SS.S1G3?
Chaetopappa hersheyiSoCSoC...S3G3
Cirsium gilenseSoCSoCSen..S2G3G5Q
Cirsium inornatumSoCSoC...S4G4
Cirsium vinaceumTETSS.S2G2
Cirsium wrightiiSoCESen..S2G1G2
Cleome multicaulisSoCE.SS.SHG2G3
Coryphantha scheeri var. scheeriSoCE.SS.S2?G4T3?
Crataegus wootonianaSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Cuscuta fasciculataSoCSoC...SHGH
Cuscuta warneriSoCSoC...SNRGH
Cymopterus davidsoniiSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoCESen.Gp 4S2?G5T5
Dalea scariosaSoCSoC.SS.S4G4
Delphinium alpestreSoCSoCSen..S2?G2
Delphinium novomexicanumSoCSoC...S2G2
Delphinium robustumSoCSoCSen..SNRG2?
Delphinium sapellonisSoCSoC...S4?G4?
Desmodium metcalfeiSoCSoCSen..S3?G3G4
Draba mogollonicaSoCSoC...S3G3
Draba standleyiSoCSoC.SS.S2G2G3
Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleriEEESS.S1G4G5T1
Ephedra coryiSoCSoC...SRG3
Ericameria nauseosa var. texensisSoCSoCSenSS.S2G5T2
Erigeron acomanusSoCSoC.SSGp 3S1S2G1G2
Erigeron hessiiSoCESen..S1G1
Erigeron rhizomatusTETSSGp 2S2G2
Erigeron rybiusSoCSoC...S3G3
Erigeron scopulinusSoCSoC.SS.S3?G3?
Erigeron sivinskiiSoCSoCSenSSGp 4S2G2
Erigeron subglaberSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Eriogonum aliquantumSoCSoC...S3G3
Eriogonum capillare (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC..SS.S1G4
Eriogonum gypsophilumTE.SS.S1G1
Eriogonum lachnogynum var. colobumSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Eriogonum lachnogynum var. sarahiaeSoCSoC..Gp 4SNRSNR
Eriogonum wootoniiSoCSoC...S2G5T2
Escobaria duncaniiSoCE.SS.S1G1G2
Escobaria guadalupensisSoCSoC...SRG1
Escobaria orcuttiiSoCSoC...S3G3?
Escobaria organensisSoCE.SS.S2G2
Escobaria sandbergiiSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Escobaria sneedii var. leeiTE.SS.S2?G2T2
Escobaria sneedii var. sneediiEE.SS.S2G2T2
Escobaria villardiiSoCESenSS.S2G2
Grindelia arizonica var. neomexicanaSoCSoC...SRG4T3?
Hackelia hirsutaSoCSoC...SNRG4?
Hedeoma apiculatumSoCSoC...S3G3
Hedeoma pulcherrimumSoCSoC...S2G2
Hedeoma todseniiEEESS.S2G2
Helianthus arizonensisSoCSoCSen..S4?G4?
Helianthus paradoxusTE.SS.S2G2
Helianthus praetermissusSoCSoC...SHGHQ
Heuchera pulchellaSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Heuchera wootoniiSoCSoC...S3G3Q
Hexalectris nitidaSoCE.SS.S1G3
Hexalectris spicata var. arizonicaSoCESenSS.SNRG5T2T4
Hexalectris spicata var. spicata (Not NMRPTC Rare)SOCE...SNRG5T4T5
Hieracium brevipilumSoCSoCSen..S2?G4T2?
Hymenoxys ambigens var. neomexicanaSoCSoCSen..S2?G3?T2?
Hymenoxys brachyactisSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Hymenoxys vaseyiSoCSoC...S2?G2?
Ionactis elegansSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritusEEE..S1G1
Justicia wrightiiSoCSoC.SS.S1G2
Lepidospartum burgessiiSoCE.SS.S1G2
Lilium philadelphicum (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoCESen..S3?G5
Limosella pubifloraSoCSoCSenSS.SHGUGHQ
Lorandersonia microcephalaSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Lupinus sierrae-blancaeSoCSoC...S3G3
Mammillaria wrightii var. wilcoxii (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoCE...S2G4T4
Mentzelia conspicuaSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Mentzelia humilis var. guadalupensisSoCSoC...S2G4T2
Mentzelia springeriSoCSoCSen..SNRGNR
Mentzelia todiltoensisSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Microthelys rubrocallosaSoCSoCSen..SNRGNR
Muhlenbergia arseneiSoCSoC...SNRG5
Muhlenbergia villiflora var. villosaSoCSoC.SS.SNRG5T2
Nama xylopodumSoCSoC...S4?G4?
Oenothera organensisSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Opuntia arenariaSoCE.SS.S2G2
Opuntia viridifloraSoCE.SS.S1G1Q
Packera cardamineSoCSoCSen..S3G3
Packera spellenbergiiSoCSoCSen..S2G2?
Panicum mohavenseSoCSoC...S1G1
Pediocactus knowltoniiEE.SS.S1G1
Pediomelum pentaphyllumSoCESenSS.S1G1
Peniocereus greggii var. greggiiSoCE.SS.S1G3G4T2
Penstemon alamosensisSoCSoCSenSS.S3G3
Penstemon cardinalis ssp. cardinalisSoCSoCSen..S2G3T2
Penstemon cardinalis ssp. regalisSoCSoCSen..S2G3T2
Penstemon linarioides ssp. maguireiSoCSoCSen..SHG5T1
Penstemon metcalfeiSoCSoCSen..SNRG1G3
Penstemon neomexicanusSoCSoC...S4G4
Penstemon pseudoparvusSoCSoCSen..S3?G3?Q
Perityle cernuaSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Perityle quinquefloraSoCSoC...S3G4
Perityle staurophylla var. homofloraSoCSoC...S2G4T2
Perityle staurophylla var. staurophyllaSoCSoC.SS.SRG4T3T4
Phacelia serrataSoCSoC.SS.S2G2G3
Phacelia sivinskiiSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Phemeranthus humilisSoCSoCSenSS.S2G2
Philadelphus microphyllus var. argyrocalyxSoCSoC...S3G5T3
Phlox caryophyllaSoCSoC...S2G4
Phlox cluteanaSoCSoC...SRG2
Physaria aureaSoCSoC...S2G3
Physaria gooddingiiSoCSoC...S3G3?
Physaria lataSoCSoC...S1?G1?Q
Physaria navajoensisSoCSoC..Gp 3SNRGNR
Physaria newberryi var. yesicolaSoCSoC...SNRG3G4T1T3
Physaria pruinosaSoCSoC...SNRG2
Polygala rimulicola var. mescalerorumSoCE.SS.S1G3T1
Polygala rimulicola var. rimulicolaSoCSoC...S2G3T3
Potentilla sierrae-blancaeSoCSoCSen..S2?G2?
Proatriplex pleianthaSoCSoC...S3?G3
Proboscidea sabulosa (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC..SS.S3G3
Puccinellia parishiiSoCESenSSGp 4S1G2
Ribes mescaleriumSoCSoC...S4?G4?
Rubus aliceaeSoCSoC...SHGH
Rumex tomentellusSoCSoC...SHGH
Salix arizonicaSoCSoCSen..S1G2G3
Salvia summaSoCSoC...S3?G3?
Sclerocactus cloverae ssp. brackiiSoCE.SSGp 4S1G3T1
Sclerocactus mesae-verdaeTE.SSGp 2S2G2
Scrophularia laevisSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Scrophularia macranthaSoCSoCSenSS.S2G2
Sedum integrifolium ssp. neomexicanumSoCSoCSen..S1G5T1
Senecio cliffordiiSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Senecio sacramentanusSoCSoC...S3G3
Sibara griseaSoCSoC.SS.S3?G3
Silene plankiiSoCSoC.SS.S2G3
Silene thurberiSoCSoC...S3?G4
Silene wrightiiSoCSoC.SS.S2G3
Sophora gypsophila var. guadalupensisSoCSoCSenSS.S1G1T1
Sphaeralcea proceraSoCSoC.SS.SHGHQ
Sphaeralcea wrightiiSoCSoC...S3?G4?
Spiranthes magnicamporum (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoCE...S3?G4
Stellaria porsildiiSoCSoCSen..S1G1
Streptanthus sparsiflorusSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Synthyris oblongifoliaSoCSoCSen..S2G2Q
Talinum brachypodumSoCSoC...SNRGNR
Toumeya papyracantha (Not NMRPTC Rare)SoC..SS.S4G4
Townsendia gypsophilaSoCSoC.SS.S2G2
Trifolium longipes ssp. neurophyllumSoCSoCSen..S2G2
Valeriana texanaSoCSoC...S3G3


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Endangered - A species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Threatened - A species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Species of Concern - A taxon for which further biological research and field study are needed to resolve their conservation status OR are considered sensitive, rare, or declining on lists maintained by Natural Heritage Programs, State wildlife agencies, other Federal agencies, or professional/academic scientific societies.

Source: Charlie McDonald, Regional Botanist, U.S. Forest Service, Southwestern Region

State of New Mexico

Endangered - The taxon is listed as threatened or endangered under the provisions of the Federal Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. Sections 1531 et seq.), or is considered proposed under the tenets of the act [10-29-85,]; or the taxon is a rare plant across its range within the state, and of such limited distribution and population size that unregulated taking could adversely impact it and jeopardize its survival in New Mexico. [10-29-85, 8-31-95]

Species of Concern - A New Mexico plant species, which should be protected from land use impacts when possible because it is a unique and limited component of the regional flora.

Sources: New Mexico Administrative Code, Title 19, Chapter 21 Part 2.8 (Criteria for inclusion of the endangered plant species list), and Robert Sivinski, State Botanist

U.S. Forest Service (USFS)

Endangered - Any species designated as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that is known to occur on national forest lands in New Mexico.

Threatened - Any species designated as threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that is known to occur on national forest lands in New Mexico.

Sensitive - A species that is likely to occur or have habitat on National Forest Service System lands and that has been identified by the Regional Forester as of concern for reduction in population viability as evidenced by: significant current or predicted downward trends in population numbers or density, or; significant current or predicted downward trends in habitat capability that would reduce the species' distribution.

Source: Charlie McDonald, Regional Botanist, U.S. Forest Service, Southwestern Region

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Special Status Species - Includes the following:

(1) Proposed Species - species that have been officially proposed for listing as threatened or endangered by the Secretary of the Interior. A proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register.

(2) Listed Species - species officially listed as threatened or endangered by the Secretary of the Interior under the provisions of the ESA. A final rule for the listing has been published in the Federal Register.

(A) Endangered Species - any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

(B) Threatened Species - any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

(3) Candidate Species - species designated as candidates for listing as threatened or endangered by the FWS and/or NMFS. A list has been published in the Federal Register.

(4) State Listed Species - species listed by a State in a category implying but not limited to potential endangerment or extinction. Listing is either by legislation or regulation.

(5) Sensitive Species - those designated by a State Director, usually in cooperation with the State agency responsible for managing the species and State Natural heritage programs, as sensitive. They are those species that: (1) could become endangered in or extirpated from a State, or within a significant portion of its distribution; (2) are under status review by the FWS and/or NMFS; (3) are undergoing significant current or predicted downward trends in habitat capability that would reduce a species= existing distribution; (4) are undergoing significant current or predicted downward trends in population or density such that federal listed, proposed, candidate, or State listed status may become necessary; (5) typically have small and widely dispersed populations; (6) inhabit ecological refugia or other specialized or unique habitats; or (7) are State listed but which may be better conserved through application of BLM sensitive species status.

Source: BLM Manual 6840 Special Status Species Management, Glossary, page 62 provided by Cheryl Dyer

Navajo Nation

GROUP 1: Those species or subspecies that no longer occur on the Navajo Nation.

GROUP 2 (G2) & GROUP 3 (G3): "Endangered"-- Any species or subspecies whose prospects of survival or recruitment within the Navajo Nation are in jeopardy or are likely within the foreseeable future to become so.

G2: A species or subspecies whose prospects of survival or recruitment are in jeopardy.

G3: A species or subspecies whose prospects of survival or recruitment are likely to be in jeopardy in the foreseeable future.

GROUP 4: Any species or subspecies for which the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife (NNDFWL) does not currently have sufficient information to support their being listed in G2 or G3 but has reason to consider them. The NNDFWL will actively seek information on these species to determine if they warrant inclusion in a different group or removal from the list.

Source: Navajo Nation, Division of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Navajo Endangered Species List (NESL), Resources Committee Resolution No. RCMA-31-01, March 2001. Provided by Daniela Roth.

Natural Heritage New Mexico

State Ranks

SX Presumed Extirpated - Element is believed to be extirpated from NM. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered.
SH Possibly Extirpated (Historical) - Element occurred historically in NM, and there is some expectation that it may be rediscovered. Its presence may not have been verified in the past 20 years. An element would become SH without such a 20-year delay if the only known occurrences in NM were destroyed or if it had been extensively and unsuccessfully looked for.
S1 Critically Imperiled - Critically imperiled in NM because of extreme rarity or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from New Mexico. Typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals (<1,000).
S2 Imperiled - Imperiled in NM because of rarity or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extirpation from New Mexico. Typically 6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals (1,000 to 3,000).
S3 Vulnerable - Vulnerable in NM either because rare and uncommon, or found only in a restricted range (even if abundant at some locations), or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation. Typically 21 to 100 occurrences or between 3,000 and 10,000 individuals.
S4 Apparently Secure - Uncommon but not rare, and usually widespread in NM. Possible cause of long-term concern. Usually more than 100 occurrences and more than 10,000 individuals.
S5 Secure - Common, widespread, and abundant in NM. Essentially ineradicable under present conditions. Typically with considerably more than 100 occurrences and more than 10,000 individuals.
SNR Unranked - NM rank not yet assessed.
SU Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
S#S# Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3) is used to indicate the range of uncertainty about the exact status of the element. Ranges cannot skip more than one rank (e.g., SU is used rather than S1S4).
HYB Hybrid - Element not ranked because it represents an interspecific hybrid, not a species.
SE - An exotic established in state; may be native elsewhere in North America; includes fish native to NM but introduced into watersheds where the species is non-native.
SE# Exotic Numeric - An exotic established in NM that has been assigned a numeric rank to indicate its status, as defined for S1 through S5.
SA Accidental - Accidental or casual in NM. In other words, infrequent and outside usual range. Includes species (usually birds or butterflies) recorded once or only a few times at a location. A few of these species may have bred on the one or two occasions they were recorded. Examples include European strays or western birds on the East Coast and vice-versa.
SZ Zero Occurrences - Present but lacking practical conservation concern in NM because there are no definable occurrences, although the taxon is native and appears regularly in the state. An SZ rank will generally be used for long distance migrants whose occurrences during their migrations have little or no conservation value for the migrant, as they are typically too irregular (in terms of repeated visitation to the same locations), transitory, and dispersed to be reliably identified, mapped, and protected. In other words, the migrant regularly passes through the state, but enduring, mappable Element Occurrences cannot be defined.
SP Potential - Potential that element occurs in the state but no extant or historic occurrences are accepted.
SR Reported - Element reported in NM but without a basis for either accepting or rejecting the report, or the report not yet reviewed locally.
SRD Dubious Report - Element reported in NM but the report is likely to be invalid.
SRF False Report - Element reported in NM but the report is known to be invalid.

Global Ranks

GX Presumed Extinct - Believed to be extinct throughout its range. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered.
GH Possibly Extinct - Known from only historical occurrences, but may nevertheless still be extant; further searching needed.
G1 Critically Imperiled - Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extinction. Typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals (<1,000) or acres (<2,000) or linear miles (<10).
G2 Imperiled - Imperiled globally because of rarity or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extinction or elimination. Typically 6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals (1,000 to 3,000) or acres (2,000 to 10,000) or linear miles (10 to 50).
G3 Vulnerable - Vulnerable globally either because very rare and local throughout its range, found only in a restricted range (even if abundant at some locations), or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extinction or elimination. Typically 21 to 100 occurrences or between 3,000 and 10,000 individuals.
G4 Apparently Secure - Uncommon but not rare (although it may be rare in parts of its range, particularly on the periphery), and usually widespread. Apparently not vulnerable in most of its range, but possibly cause for long-term concern. Typically more than 100 occurrences and more than 10,000 individuals.
G5 Secure - Common, widespread, and abundant (although it may be rare in parts of its range, particularly on the periphery). Not vulnerable in most of its range. Typically with considerably more than 100 occurrences and more than 10,000 individuals.

Variant Global Ranks

G#G# Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., G2G3) is used to indicate uncertainty about the exact status of a taxon.
GU Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
GNR Unranked - Global rank not yet assessed.
HYB Hybrid - Element not ranked because it represents an interspecific hybrid and not a species.

Global Rank Qualifiers

? Inexact Numeric Rank - Denotes inexact numeric rank (e.g. G3?).
Q Questionable taxonomy that may reduce conservation priority - Distinctiveness of this entity as a taxon at the current level is questionable.

Infraspecific Taxon Ranks

T# Infraspecific Taxon (trinomial) - The status of infraspecific taxa (subspecies or varieties) are indicated by a "T-rank" following the species' global rank. Rules for assigning T-ranks follow the same principles outlined above. For example, the global rank of a critically imperiled subspecies of an otherwise widespread and common species would be G5T1.

Source: New Mexico Natural Heritage Program Web Site viewed at: http://nmnhp.unm.edu/ranks_status/ranks_status.pdf Definitions of New Mexico Natural Heritage Program Ranks of Endangerment

Photo credits in header Peniocereus greggii var. greggii © T. Todsen,
Lepidospartum burgessii © M. Howard, Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta © R. Sivinski
©2005 New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council