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TX Energy -
Past and Present

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About Us

About SECO



     The Infinite Power of Texas
              Generation for Generations

The Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) created the Infinite Power of Texas Renewable Energy Educational Campaign to accelerate the acceptance of renewable energy resources in Texas. SECO's Innovative Energy Demonstration Program promotes the use of renewable energy and sustainable building practices through technology demonstration, hands-on instruction and renewable energy education. Renewable energy can have significant economic development, security and reliability benefits and opportunities for Texas communities and individuals in the development of these resources. SECO increases public awareness of Texas’ vast renewable energy resources and also provides the public better access to vendors, financing options, incentives, policies and procedures and laws through its educational outreach.









Renewable Energy Fact Sheets
All the information you need, free to download

Lesson Plans for Teachers
Learning materials with hands-on activities

Renewable Energy Events
Regional, national and international events

Renewable Energy News
Links to regional, national and international news

Renewable Energy Links
This SECO web site has a comprehensive list of links

Renewable Energy and Your Home
Use renewable energy in the place you know best

Electric Choice and Green Power
Competition has come to Texas - here's your guide

Using Energy Efficiently
Use energy efficiently and save on your electric bills


What Can I Do?
For starters, check out this page

Available Incentives
Incentives that support renewable energy

Interactive Calculators
Analyze your personal energy consumption

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to our most common questions

The Texas Renewable Energy Community
Organizations and agencies
Education and research
Renewable energy businesses
Events calendar




Maplewood Elementary School, Austin ISD

Enter Our Solar Energy Portal!
See the real-time performance data from
solar electric systems we've supported
throughout our great Lone Star state.


Texas Resources: Guide to Texas renewable resources
Texas Renewable Energy Projects: Learn about significant projects around the state
Texas Energy - Past and Future: Get the big picture on Texas' energy situation

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