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Copyright Infringement Information


This information is provided in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and pertains to websites hosted by units and individuals of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas AgriLife Research, Texas Forest Service, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Texas A&M University.  To report suspected copyright infringement on a web site hosted by a Texas A&M AgriLife unit, please contact:

Dr. James C. Segers
Interim Head-Information Technology
Texas AgriLife Extension Service
2468 TAMU

College Station, Texas  77843-2468
v:  (979) 845-9689
f:  (979) 845-0829
email: jsegers@ag.tamu.edu

Please provide the specific URL for the suspected site.


Users providing copyrighted information on an Agriculture Program unit website are reminded that repeated copyright infringement may result in loss of network access.


Copyright Information

 Information about copyright laws and compliance may be found on the following websites:

 TAMUS Office of General Counsel

 Library of Congress

Last updated:  June 11, 2008