University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Soil Management


Management to Minimize and Reduce Soil Compaction, G896
This NebGuide will help you understand how natural processes and management practices can reduce existing soil compaction and minimize its further development.


Bioengineering for Hillslope, Streambank and Lakeshore Erosion Control, G1307
Bioengineering techniques for hillslope, streambank and lakeshore erosion control are described here, as are tips for a successful bioengineering installation and demonstation project.

Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover - Part II: Fine-Tuning the System, G1564
How injector/applicator spacing, tire spacing, field speed, and other factors influence the amount of residue cover reduction after manure incorporation.

Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover - Part I: Reduction of Cover , G1563
Residue cover reduction caused by soil-engaging components typically used with tank spreaders and towed hose systems to apply liquid or slurry manure.

Wind Erosion And Its Control, G1537
This NebGuide discusses how wind erosion occurs and presents methods for reducing wind erosion on land devoted to crop production.


Agricultural Nitrogen Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest: a Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication, RP189
An overview of factors influencing nitrogen loss to ground and surface waters in the four-state Heartland region of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, including nitrogen in the environment and the implications of agricultural nitrogen management practices for nitrogen loss to ground and surface water.

Agricultural Phosphorus Management and Water Quality Protection in the Midwest: A Heartland Regional Water Coordination Publication, RP187
A resource for nutrient management planners on the risk of phosphorus delivery to surface waters, assessment of this risk, and management options to reduce this risk; targeted to U.S. EPA Region 7 comprised of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.

Effectiveness of Gypsum in the North Central Region of the U.S., SF1321
While gypsum is sometimes used to correct soil pH, improve soil condition and increase yield, only special directed uses are recommended for the North Central Region. Learn more about gympsum in this multi-university fact sheet published by North Dakota State University Extension Service. (Limited quantities available; order from the UNL Extension Publications Warehouse.)

Guidelines for Soil Sampling, G1740
Soil samples representative of a field are the best guidelines to detemine fertilizer needs. This publication describes proper procedures to collect representative soil samples.

Lime Use for Soil Acidity Management, G1504
Soil acidity can reduce crop production by directly affecting roots and changing the availability of essential nutrients and toxic elements. Liming can neutralize soil acidity, but several factors can affect the economic benefits of liming.

Management Strategies to Reduce the Rate of Soil Acidification, G1503
Soil acidification is a gradual process that results from long-term intensive crop production. The rate of this process depends on soil type and management practices. Management practices that reduce the rate of soil acidification are discussed.

Nutrient Management for Agronomic Crops in Nebraska, EC155
A guide to nutrient use from all sources for the production of Nebraska's major agronomic crops. Content in this 176-page book is divided into two main areas: the basic principles of soil fertility for the primary, secondary and micronutrients and fertilizer recommendations for individual crops. View this guide on-line or order the softcover book. Cost is $12.

Sewage Sludge Utilization for Crop Production, G1454
Municipal biosolids can provide nutrients for crop growth and improve soil productivity. A worksheet and tables address pollutant levels and how to calculate an application rate for crop production.

Soil and Water Summaries for 2005 to 2006, G1719
Synopses of soil and water research and products from the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture and their partners in 2005-2006.

Use and Management of Micronutrient Fertilizers in Nebraska, G1830
This NebGuide addresses issues of micronutrient availability and needs in Nebraska, with a focus on the use of zinc and iron.

Using a Chlorophyll Meter to Improve N Management, G1632
This NebGuide describes how to use a chlorophyll meter as a tool to improve nitrogen management by detecting nitrogren deficiency and determining the need for additional N fertilizer.