Statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the Class of 2008 ACT Scores

Photo of Secretary Spellings “ACT scores for the Class of 2008 have remained largely steady, which is encouraging given that the number of test-takers has expanded rapidly to include many more students than ever before. We know that added rigor and accountability in our high schools will raise these scores even higher and better prepare students for college and the workforce. While the percentage of students meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks remained steady in math, reading and science, it dropped in English. This is unacceptable when 90 percent of the fastest growing jobs require at least some post-secondary education.”
No Child Left Behind has raised expectations for all students and started to close achievement gaps. In today's competitive global economy, it is imperative for us to continue to call on states to better align their standards with college and workforce expectations, increase access to rigorous coursework and report a more accurate high school graduation rate so America's students can be armed with the critical skills they need to succeed in college and throughout their lives.”