Environment - Cultural Resources

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Cultural Resources List Serve

To subscribe to the Cultural Resources List Serve, send a blank email.

If you don't have a default mail program installed, send a blank message from your web-based mail program to subscribe-Sec106Exempt@lists.wsdot.wa.gov.

You'll receive a message when we post the quarterly list of projects exempted from Section 106 review under the Statewide Programmatic Agreement. We will also send out occasional updates on policy or staff changes.

This is not a discussion list serve, and you can expect between 5 and 10 messages per year. If you reply to an email message from the list serve, your message will go to the list manager, who will forward it to the appropriate staff member. 

To unsubscribesend a blank email. Or, use your web-based mail program to send a blank message to unsubscribe-Sec106Exempt@lists.wsdot.wa.gov.

If you have questions about signing up for the list serve, contact Barbara Bundy (bundyb@wsdot.wa.gov, 360.570.2448).