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Diesel Emissions Research Helps Pave the Way to Cleaner Air

NREL's research into advanced petroleum based fuels and diesel emission controls through the DECSE (Diesel Emission Control-Sulfur Effects) Project has proven to be instrumental in upholding the EPA's 2007 ultra-low sulfur diesel regulations. These new regulations, which include emissions standards for heavy duty engines, are designed to clean up urban air and reduce the health problems caused by breathing diesel exhaust by requiring a 97% reduction in the sulfur content of diesel fuels starting in June 2006.

Researchers in the DECSE Project have shown that by combining ultra-low sulfur fuels and modern engines and catalysts, we can reduce NOx and particulate matter emissions (major contributors to urban smog and human health problems) from diesel engines by more than 90%. This research was included in reports by DOE's DECSE Project that were cited in recent court rulings supporting the EPA's new regulations. In a follow-on effort, researchers in the Advanced Petroleum Based Fuels-Diesel Emission Controls (APBF-DEC) Program will continue their mission to identify the best combinations of fuels, lubricants, diesel engines, and emission control systems in order to meet the standards identified in the EPA regulations.

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