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Frequently Asked Questions
What are noxious weeds?
How can I control tansy ragwort?
How can I identify a noxious weed?
Where do noxious weeds come from and how are they spread?
How can I prevent the introduction and spread of noxious weeds?
I heard that butterfly bush is a listed noxious weed.
How can I get my neighbors to control their weeds?
What are noxious weeds?
Not all weeds are noxious weeds. Most noxious weeds are non-native plants that have been legally designated as serious pests because they cause economic loss and harm the environment. Noxious weeds choke out crops, destroy range and pasture lands, clog waterways, affect human and animal health, and threaten native plant communities.
How can I control tansy ragwort?
When tansy ragwort is found, every reasonable effort should be made to eradicate this weed. It takes more than one particular year of control efforts to eliminate tansy. Tansy ragwort seeds can remain viable in the soil for many years. A good strategy is to use several approaches. Foliar herbicide application to destroy flowering plants. April is usually the best time to spray. Cutting or mowing is recommended only where plants are soon to be eradicated. Cutting the stems before the early flowering stage reduces seed production, but does not destroy the plant. Biological control is the best management practice. It uses the plants natural enemies. The cinnabar moth, ragwort seed fly, and ragwort flea beetle are already present in western Oregon. Continued monitoring will be necessary. If new plants appear, hand pull, dig or use chemical spot treatment.

How can I identify a noxious weed?
Please check our weed profiles or contact ODA Staff.

Where do noxious weeds come from and how are they spread?
Noxious weeds and non-native invaders began to appear and spread with European settlement and continue to arrive today. Most of Oregon’s least desirable weeds are of Mediterranean, European, and Asian origin. The introduction of non-native invasive plants has increased dramatically in the past decade due to the increased ease and speed of world travel and the expansion of global commerce. Local spread of noxious weeds can be natural by wind, water, and animals; but human activities such as, recreation, vehicle travel, and the movement of contaminated equipment, products, and livestock often greatly increase the distance and rate of dispersal.
How can I prevent the introduction and spread of noxious weeds?
  • Avoid the use of invasive exotic species in your landscaping, land restoration or erosion control. Use native or non-invasive plants.
  • Avoid disturbance to natural areas.
  • Control exotic noxious weeds on your property by removing them entirely or by managing them to prevent their spread.
  • Volunteer to assist in exotic plant removal projects.
  • Clean your vehicle, equipment and clothing of invasive plants seeds and reproductive parts that can propagate new infestations.

I heard that butterfly bush is a listed noxious weed.
If you planted your butterfly bush before it was listed (2004) you do not have remove it, but you are required to prevent it from propagating. You must deadhead the plant after blooming to prevent the seeds from spreading. Or better yet, replace your butterfly bush with some other native or non-invasive plants. Your local nurseries can help you chose a wide range of shrubs that can replace your butterfly bush.

How can I get my neighbors to control their weeds?
Try talking to your neighbors first and explain calmly the importance of controlling weeds. Depending on where you live, there may be local programs that mandate the control of noxious weeds on private property. Homeowner associations can direct weed control to their members. Some local government entities have codes or regulations that mandate weed control. Also, some areas have Noxious Weed Control Districts or Weed Management Areas that can help your neighbors control their weeds either by education and outreach, land management strategies, and/or funding. Nonetheless, weed control is everybody’s business.

Page updated: May 14, 2007

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