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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Personal Protective Technology

Evaluation: Program Review

Review of program activities, outputs, and outcomes is essential to good program performance. For a program to be accountable for producing results over any given timeline, activities, outputs and outcomes must be regularly monitored by the program through the systematic collection, analysis and reporting of information that tracks program activities and results (outputs and outcomes). In addition to internal and external program reviews, program evaluations are being conducted by the National Academies.

In response to a request from NIOSH, the Institute of Medicine has formed a standing Committee on Personal Protective Equipment (COPPE) for Workplace Safety and Health. The committee provides a forum to discuss scientific and technical issues relevant to the development, certification, deployment, and use of personal protective equipment, standards, and related systems to ensure workplace safety and health. Under the auspices of the COPPE, the National Academies completed evaluations of two NIOSH PPT research projects: Measuring Respirator Use in the Workplace and the Assessment of the NIOSH Head-and-Face Anthropometrics Survey of US. Respirator Users. Reports on these evaluations were delivered to NIOSH in December 2006 and January 2007, respectively. NIOSH is developing statements and action plans to address the issues and recommendations described in the reports.

Because of the national priority associated with pandemic influenza preparedness, the COPPE recommended that NIOSH NPPTL focus near-term efforts to examine research directions and certification and testing issues regarding the use of personal protective equipment during an influenza pandemic. To support this effort, the IOM has assembled an expert committee. The committee conducted a scientific workshop on February 22, 2007 to identify research directions, certification and standard setting issues, and risk assessment issues specific to personal protective equipment for healthcare workers during an influenza pandemic. The report prepared by the committee will be used to guide future activities for the PPT Program in these areas.

These efforts, and related efforts identified on the National Academies link below, will directly feed into the future program development of the NIOSH PPT Program. NIOSH personnel interested in initiating PPT Programs and projects are encouraged to review these reports and recommendations when considering submitting a new start to the PPT Program.

Current activities of the National Academies’ COPPE and reports generated by the relevant committees
External Link:

Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic: Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers - Publication Year:2008
External Link:

Reusability of Facemasks During an Influenza Pandemic: Facing the Flu - Released On: April 27, 2006
External Link:

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NIOSH Program:

Personal Protective Technology

worker wearing a respirator
Page last updated: July 25, 2008
Page last reviewed: July 25, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)