Fall-Winter 2008 Calendar:

September 2008

Date: September 14
PCO Adopt-A-Highway Litter Clean-Up Day – Centre Hall, PA. 
1PM-3PM.  Contact PCO: pco@paorganic.org

Date: September 18
NODPA’s 1st Annual Southeast Regional Field Day & Arden and Caroline Landis’ Retirement Celebration – Kirkwood (Lancaster County), PA. 9:30am to 3pm. Contact Ed Maltby: 413-772-0444 or ednodpa@comcast.com.

Date: September 22
Gary Zimmer’s Organic Crop, Pasture & Soil Fertility Discussion – Elvin Ranck’s Farm in Mifflin (Juniata County), PA. 1pm to 4pm. Contact Peter Miller: 612-801-3506 or 888-809-9297.

Date: September 23
An Organic Pasture Walk with Forrest Stricker – Wernersville (Berks County), PA. 6pm. Please register by September 12. Contact Berks County Cooperative Extension: 610-378-1327.

October 2008

Date: October 1
Northern Penn Holistic Management Network Pasture Walk with Kress and Tammy Simpson - KTS Farm in Mansfield (Tioga County), PA. Contact Andrea Boyce: 570-724-1801 x110.

Date: October 15-18
National Products Expo East – Boston, MA. 
Contact Customer Service: 1-866-458-4935.  www.expoeast.com

November 2008

Date: November 27
PCO Office Closed

December 2008

Date: December 4
PCO Annual Meeting – State College, PA.
Contact PCO: 814-422-0251 or pco@paorganic.org.

Date: December 14
PCO Adopt-A-Highway Litter Clean-Up Day – Centre Hall, PA.
1PM-3PM. Contact PCO: 814-422-0251 or pco@paorganic.org.

Date: December 25
PCO Office Closed


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This page last updated 09/10/2008

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