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Oklahoma Agriculture News
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Inspectors with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry have a new tool that can give them a worm’s eye view of what lies beneath the soil’s surface. They expect this new technology will be able to locate contaminants from agricultural operations or storage sites and provide information to help clean up the area afterwards.
November 2008

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Most state wheat farmers have already purchased or arranged to purchase seed wheat for next year’s crop but the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry cautions sellers to follow state and federal seed laws.
September 2008

Pesticide Containment
Pesticide Containment and Containment Pad Determination
The U.S. EPA regulations require secondary containment units where bulk pesticides are stored and containment pads where bulk pesticides are transferred by August 16, 2009. The specific regulations are in the "Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Subpart E—Standards for Pesticide Containment Structures. This includes 40 CFR 165.80 through 165.97.
October 2008
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Grant and loan application deadline for the next Oklahoma Agricultural Enhancement and Diversification program is October 1. State agriculture officials are urging all producers with innovative ideas to apply.
August 2008

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State Secretary of Agriculture, Terry Peach, said today that he is directing Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry field inspectors to step up surveillance of herbicide applicators—including farmers—in southwestern Oklahoma to prevent further harm to cotton in five counties.
August 2008

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Demand for locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables is at an all time high through farm to school, farmers markets, food cooperatives, restaurants, distributors and at the work place.
June 2008

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Eight creative Oklahoma cooks took home nearly $10,000 in prizes today after winning categories of the third annual Made in Oklahoma Recipe Roundup.

June 2008

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Oklahoma’s State Veterinarian says she suspects some people may be committing felonies without being aware of it as they move feral swine for commercial or hunting purposes.
April 2008
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Lt. Governor Jari Askins today inducted the late Paul Hitch, Guymon livestock producer, farmer and agribusiness leader into the Oklahoma Agriculture Hall of Fame and presented his family with the Governor’s Outstanding Achievement Award in Agriculture.

April 2008
Herbicide Exemption Granted for Sandbur Control
The Environmental Protection Agency has granted a crisis exemption to allow Oklahoma producers to use the chemical Prowl H2O to control sandbur infestations in Bermuda grass from March 24 through April 8.
The agency granted the Oklahoma Agribusiness Retailers Association (OARA) requested the exemption. Texas recently was granted a similar exemption for this chemical.
The Noble Foundation in Ardmore and Oklahoma State University concurred with the request and provided EPA with letters supporting the exemption.
Prowl H2O is a selective herbicide for controlling sandbur as it germinates and producers have a very narrow window of opportunity to treat their Bermuda pastures and meadows for this weed.
OARA and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry also remind producers that this is also the optimal time to treat pastures for invasive weeds such as musk thistle. 24D type products are effective during this time of year.
For More Information Contact:  Jack Carson (405) 522-4575
2800 N. Lincoln, Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Print Article
March 20, 2007
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Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry