vPlants: a Virtual Herbarium of the Chicago Region.

The online resource for Plants and Fungi offering:

  • Specimen data and images
  • Species descriptions *
  • Distribution by county
  • Photo galleries *

* Description Pages, Features in production / Keys

meadow of flowers along edge of lake.

Currently the site contains data for 72,000 plant specimens from three institutions with rich Chicago Region collections: the Field Museum of Natural History, The Morton Arboretum, and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Species descriptions for plants and the fungus content are now being added.

Specimen data from additional institutions such as the Chicago Academy of Sciences and the Illinois Natural History Survey will be added. We have also been in contact with other herbaria in the Great Lakes area such as the University of Wisconsin and University of Michigan regarding the possibility of adding or linking their Chicago Region specimen data through vPlants. This project is a first step towards building a larger online database for plants and fungi that occur in the Great Lakes area and beyond.

Map of North America showing location of Chicago Region. The vPlants Region is located within four states at the south end of Lake Michigan. The vPlants Region includes 24 counties.

Why focus on the Chicago Region?

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Information provided on this page applies to the Chicago Region and may not be relevant or complete for other regions.
