
Choosing Vegetable Varieties - Frequently Asked Questions

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 "What variety of... should I grow this next season?" It is a perennial question that vegetable growers ask themselves. Arriving at the answer is not easy, however there are a number of factors that may influence the choices that growers make. There are also a number of resources that growers can use to help them decide.

Factors influencing choices

  • Market demand
  • Consumer demands
        o Specialty markets (e.g. cabbage rolls)
        o Regional preferences
        o etc.
  • Variety performance comparisons (current vs. new varieties)
  • Grower preferences
  • Regional suitability
  • Growing season length
  • Availability of seed
  • Seed cost
  • Equipment needs or limitations
  • Pest problems and/or Pest resistance
  • Crop problems/issues (e.g. bolting)
  • Recommendations by seed companies
        o Can give input into performance in various situations
  • Variety evaluations by public research institutions (e.g. Universities, etc.)
  • Grower variety trials
        o Performance of varieties under typical growing conditions at the farm level
  • Information exchange between growers
  • Recommendations based on industry variety standards
Generally, the best practice is to use a range of decision factors to make a choice about a new variety. Answer the following questions.
  • What problems have I had with my current varieties that might be fixed by selecting a different variety?
  • Will it grow in my field under my conditions (growing season length, moisture, etc.)?
  • What are my customers demanding?
  • What information is available about my potential variety choices?
  • Are there any special considerations or adjustments that may make the difference in successfully producing the crop (e.g. plastic mulch, transplants, etc.)?
  • What are the risks associated with growing a new variety? Is there anything that I can do to reduce the risk?
Prepared by Robert Spencer, Alberta Ag-Info Centre, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.
This information published to the web on February 20, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 21, 2008.