
Rural Development

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 The Government of Alberta recognizes the importance of rural Alberta and is committed to work together with rural communities, stakeholders and Albertans to foster a vibrant and sustainable rural Alberta.

Rural Spotlight

Vision for Rural Alberta:
Rural Alberta has vibrant and sustainable communities where rural and urban families, individuals, organizations, businesses and governments are vital contributors to the growth, prosperity and quality of life of Albertans.

Questions or requests for rural information may be directed to rural@gov.ab.ca.


Other Documents in the Series

  Rural Development - Current Document
Rural Development: Policy and Implementation
Rural Development: Projects and Initiatives
Rural Development: Funding Sources
Rural Development: Tools and Resources
Rural Development: Success Stories
Rural Development: Rural Organizations
Rural Development: Statistics and Reports
For more information about the content of this document, contact Melody Brooks.
This information published to the web on April 10, 2008.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 29, 2008.