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Animal Industry 
Report Foreign Animal Disease (405)522-6136 Animal Industry Services
Animal Industry serves the public in three arenas. The areas are Animal Health, Meat Inspection and Dairy Production Inspection programs. The following pages describe the various services currently offered by Animal Industry. You may e-mail any comments or questions to our staff or me by clicking on the name listed on the associated page.

In an effort to serve Oklahoma's animal industries and the public, we continuously review and evaluate our services. We would appreciate input on suggested changes to current services or recommendations for needed programs or services.

We would be happy to speak to individuals or groups seeking information on any of these programs.

Current Topics

Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza and Bio-Security Links-USDA

Current News

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Oklahoma’s State Veterinarian says she suspects some people may be committing felonies without being aware of it as they move feral swine for commercial or hunting purposes.

April 2008