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Agricultural Environmental Management


2800 N. Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City 73105
Phone (405)521-3864
Fax (405)522-4912
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Agricultural Environmental Management Services

In 1997, the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODA) and the Oklahoma State Legislature recognized the need for a division dedicated to protecting the state’s soils and waters from animal waste. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s) were becoming larger and more numerous across the state and the public was concerned about possible water contamination.

The ODAFF Agricultural Environmental Management Services (AEMS) was created to help develop, coordinate and oversee environmental policies and programs. The division’s mission is to work with producers and concerned citizens to protect the Oklahoma environment from animals, poultry and their wastes.

Agricultural water quality issues have become a national issue the past few years. Ensuring that animal waste does not impact the waters of the state is the basis for the Oklahoma Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Act. The CAFO Act is designed to protect water quality through the use of best management practices on agricultural lands.

A CAFO is an animal feeding operation that confines and feeds 1,000 animal units or more for 45 days or more in a 12 month period. It is designed by the U.S. EPA as a significant source of pollution. CAFOs have potential for serious impacts on water quality if not managed properly. The CAFO Act, as administered by the Agricultural Environmental Management Services, provides the CAFO operators the necessary tools and information to be the best managers they can be.

CAFOs must effectively deal with the manure and wastewater animals produce so streams, lakes, ponds, and ground water sources are not polluted. The Agricultural Environmental Management Services issues licenses to CAFOs, inspects the facilities and works with operators to protect water quality. Potential problems for CAFOs can include animal waste discharges to waters of the state and failure to properly operate wastewater facilities.

Voluntary compliance, supported by educational outreach, is one of the means to achieve the water quality goals of the CAFO program. A majority of the operators want to do the right thing in managing their animal waste.

C.A.F.O. Program

This program regulates the animal feeding operations, especially Licensed Managed Feeding Operations (LMFOs), pursuant to Section 9-201 et seq. of Title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes and known as the Oklahoma Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Act. This program ensures that all animal feeding operations be conducted so as to protect waters of the state of Oklahoma from contamination.

Carcass Disposal

Following are animal and poultry carcass disposal options, a list of municipal landfills that accept carcasses, and portions of the Oklahoma Statutes that pertain to carcass disposal.

A complaint regarding animals may be filed with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture by calling the Complaint Hotline at (800) 235-9877. This phone is manned between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. After business hours you may leave a message on the Voice Mail or if there is an emergency you will need to follow the instructions on the Voice Mail.

All information received is considered public information so, if you do not want your name or any identifying information made public, please indicate that the complaint is anonymous. If you file your complaint as anonymous, we will not be able to contact you regarding the resolution of the complaint.

Poultry Litter Transfer

A byproduct of poultry growing is poultry litter. Some areas have too much poultry litter due to poultry feeding operations. The high phosphorous content of this natural fertilizer can threaten watershed areas if too concentrated. Outside of watershed areas, however, there are soils which can greatly benefit from the application of this material which helps build soil with nutrients and organic matter.

In some areas poultry litter is being used to reclaim soils damaged by strip mining or petroleum production. Ranchers find that the application of litter to rangeland and pastures can boost forage production at a minimal cost.

Agricultural Environmental Management Services staff is working to get potential buyers and sellers of poultry litter together with a toll free hotline based in the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture’s Tulsa office. Environmental concerns over this natural fertilizer are addressed from beginning to end as potential buyers must have a soil test conducted before they can be directed to potential sellers.

Likewise poultry producers are asked what type of litter they will offer (broiler or breeder), the number of growing houses, clean out dates, and an estimate of the total volume of litter to be offered. They must have a nutrient analysis of their litter.


R.P.F.O. Program

The Registered Poultry Feeding Operations Program is designed to help control nonpoint source runoff and discharges from poultry waste application of poultry feeding operations. This program monitors poultry waste application to land or removal from these operations and assists in ensuring beneficial use of poultry waste while preventing adverse effects to the waters of the state of Oklahoma. This is pursuant to the Poultry Feeding Operations Act found at Section 10-9.1 et seq. at Title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

Poultry Waste Applicators

This program administrates and enforces the provisions of the Oklahoma Poultry Waste Applicators Certification Act by ensuring the standards for the application of poultry waste, work performance, the certification of applicators of poultry waste, recertification of applicators, procedures and best management practices are followed as provided in the Act.

The Applicators Certification Program runs on the state Fiscal Year which is July 1 through June 30. Both Private and Commercial Applicators are required to submit an Annual Report by December 31st of each year which provides information about the litter spread during the previous Fiscal Year.

Commercial Applicators are required to renew their license by December 31st of each year.