Advancing Iowa's Agricultural Interests
Bill Northey, Secretary of Agriculture
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Thank You for Visiting the “Choose Iowa™” Website!

Choose Iowa™ is a state-identity promotional program designed specifically for Iowa companies whose products are grown, raised, processed or manufactured in Iowa

  • Promotes the image of Iowa and the value of Iowa products, people and places.
  • Builds a state-identity program to increase awareness and demand for Iowa products.
  • Maximizes marketing efforts for Iowa’s ag-based businesses.
  • Provides educational opportunities to increase the knowledge and skills of Iowa’s agricultural entrepreneurs.
  • Business owner networking.

Why Choose Iowa™

  • Sell more products
  • Show your support for local agriculture
  • Support your local farmer
  • Leverage consumer awareness for Iowa goods
  • Stories of interest for your audience

Who Should Join Choose Iowa™

  • Anyone who produces a food or agricultural product that is grown, raised, processed or manufactured in Iowa
  • Restaurants who serve Iowa foods
  • Businesses that sell Iowa value-added ag products
  • Any company, non-profit organization, educational institute, trade or commodity association that supports the goals of the program

For More Information Contact Tess Capps at 515-281-8606 or

Who Are We

Individual Producers and Processors

List of Choose Iowa Products

Participating Stores

Application Information

Choose Iowa™ Application

Choose Iowa™ Application Guidelines

Choose Iowa™ Brochure

We are proud to have the Iowa Grocery Industry Association as Partners   Iowa Grocery Industry Association Logo
Mailing Address: IDALS,  Wallace State Office Building,   502 E. 9th Street,  Des Moines, IA 50319:    PH: 515-281-5321
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