Feeder Associations Guarantee Program

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Program Information


Inspection/Investigation Branch, Regulatory Services Division
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

For Further Information Contact:

Tel: 403-507-4064 Fax: 403-556-7545
Email: vaughn.christensen@gov.ab.ca
Farmers who are at least 18 years old, reside in Alberta and own or lease land.

Program Details
  The Feeder Associations Guarantee Act provides farmers with an alternative method of financing cattle for growing and finishing purposes. The program offers many farmers the opportunity to diversify their farm operations which in turn assists in diversifying Alberta's agricultural economy. Feeder associations are formed under the Co-operatives Act and Regulations. Once a feeder association has been created, it must comply with the Feeder Associations Guarantee Act and Regulation.

The livestock are owned by the feeder association, but the care, feeding and marketing are the responsibility of the individual feeder association member. Local feeder associations (co-operatives) are located in 59 communities throughout the province. In each feeder association, a Board of Directors approves and monitors loans to individual feeder association members for feeder cattle. Each board hires a Supervisor and Secretary/Treasurer to administer loans and maintain financial records.

To be eligible for financing under the Feeder Associations Guarantee Progam, an individual must be a farmer who is at least 18 years old, resides in Alberta and owns or leases land. Eligible individuals must be approved by a local feeder association. New feeder association members can have up to $100,000 worth of livestock purchased by the feeder association on their behalf. After one year, feeder association members are eligible to obtain financing for up to $300,000 worth of livestock. The loan amout is subject to approval by the local feeder association board. The contract between the individual feeder association member and the local feeder association is for a term of one year or less for feeder steers and heifers. In the case of financing feeder cows for finishing, the term of the agreement is a maximum of 120 days.

Before receiving cattle, individual feeder association members must submit a security deposit to their local feeder association of five percent of the value of the contract. These funds are maintained in a separate assurance account to be used in the event of a default incurred by the local feeder association. All cattle financed by the local feeder association must be branded with the split bar brand specific to the local feeder association. Each local feeder association has up to six locations on which to use their brand. A number under the split bar may also be assigned. Members from the same family name or same business must have their cattle identified separately. As well, members from the same family name or same business must have separate feeder agreements.

The local feeder association retains legal ownership of the cattle purchased under the Feeder Associations Guarantee Program. Members are responsible for manifesting cattle in the name of the local feeder association and ensuring payment is made to the local feeder association to the credit of their individual account. After a member's account is paid in full, all surplus funds will be paid to the member.

Contact information for each local feeder association is available through this link.

For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.

Last Reviewed/Revised on October 23, 2007.