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An Upcoming Animal Transportation Conference - Interview with Susan Church, manager of Alberta Farm Animal Care about the Livestock Care Conference in Calgary, January 29 (Call of the Land, 2009-01-15)

An Update on the Alberta Stables Association - Les Burwash talks about the formation of the association a couple of years ago, and what the future needs and requirements are for the industry (Call of the Land, 2009-01-15)

Ministers to promote Alberta and Canadian agriculture at U.S. Summit - GOA Ministers Groeneveld and Snelgrove will promote AB's agriculture at the Ag Chairs Summit in San Diego, CA from January 23-25 (Communications Branch, 2009-01-15)

The Classroom Agriculture Program Looking for Volunteers - Interview with Lindsey Metheral discussing the need for agriculture volunteers to help Alberta students understand the importance of agriculture (Call of the Land, 2009-01-15)

Weekly Special Crops Market Commentary - January 14, 2009 - A weekly listing reporting prices of special crops (Market and Consumer Analysis, 2009-01-15)

Alberta Agriculture Special Crops Market Summary
(Call of the Land, 2009-01-14)

Canadian Cattlemen's Association Reacts to Country-of-Origin Labeling Final Rule
(Call of the Land, 2009-01-14)

Children Need to Know About Agriculture
(Agri-News, 2009-01-14)

Competitiveness Analysis Report on Alberta's Dairy Supply Chain
(Agri-News, 2009-01-14)

Hort Snacks a New e-Newsletter
(Agri-News, 2009-01-14)

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Coming Events

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Jan 5 - 16, 2009 - Grain Marketing Course - Coronation - Coronation

Jan 15, 2009 - Electronic Identification Systems for Sheep Producers - Olds

Jan 15, 2009 - On-farm Food Safety Training for Sheep Producers - Olds

Jan 16, 2009 - On-farm Food Safety Training for Sheep Producers - Stony Plain

Jan 16 - 17, 2009 - Value Plus - A Quest for New Farm Value - Airdrie

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