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Economic stimulus doesn't have to mean ecological disaster
Jump-starting old construction projects to create jobs would harm more than help us. We need to focus on 'smart green' infrastructure.
Georgia Tech lauded for its trees
The Georgia Institute of Technology recently became one of the first 10 colleges selected nationwide as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. It’s a seal of approval that says the Yellow Jackets know how to take care of their trees.
Tree teams work to save South's storm-hit canopies
Urban Forest Strike Teams are poised to help communities assess their urban trees after a major natural disaster.
Ontario Protects Forest Health
McGuinty Government Approves Of New Tool To Fight Emerald Ash Borer
Tree-age may help with emerald ash borer
"Tree-age" is similar to the medical process of triage, which determines treatment to those who may survive with proper care. In this case, the patient is Fraxinus species, known as Ash.
First In Nation 'Pollution Fee' Coming To SF
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District's board of directors on Wednesday approved new rules to charge businesses a fee for the pollution they emit.
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