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Family Financial Management

Managing Money in Tough Times

Colorado State University Extension is teaming up with other land-grant universities to help you manage money through tough times. As part of eXtension (, CSU Extension is able to harness the knowledge of financial experts across the country. The Web site, Financial Security: Managing Money in Tough Times, serves as a portal to articles on all facets of personal finance as well as providing a form to ask experts specific questions. CSU Extension and its affiliates also offer timely financial tools such as PowerPay debt reduction calculation software, homebuyer education, bankruptcy prevention education, [local money management programs], agribusiness decision-making tools and many other financial resources available at the Adams County Extension Office.

Spend Some, Save Some, Share Some

This program is designed to assist participants in establishing goals, discover and managing “leaks”, establish a simple record keeping system, stay in control of finances, prepare for emergencies, start a savings plan and pay bills on time. The 1 to 1 1/2 hr. program includes a packet of materials plus resources for more assistance as goals are reached. The program is designed for all incomes and family sizes.

Borrower’s Beware: Protect Your Greatest Single Asset


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