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Oklahoma City 73105
Phone (405)521-3864
Fax (405)522-4912

Sensitive Crop Information

Map of OklahomaOklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is providing the public with geographic information that will help to locate sensitive crops.  These crops will range from vineyards, organic farms, to cotton growers.  This information will be a central place for growers, beekeepers and pesticide applicators to help reduce the risk of off target exposure from pesticides.

Pesticide Sensitive Viewer

Vineyards - Grape Grower

Herbicide Information

EPA Pesticide Endangered Species Protection Program

Liability Policy:
Neither the State of Oklahoma nor any agency or division thereof, nor any of their employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or merchantability of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights.

Content Accuracy, Completeness, and Usability of Maps, Data and Information:
We make every effort to provide and maintain accurate, complete, usable, and timely information on our web sites. However, some maps, data and information accessed through these pages may, of necessity, be preliminary in nature and presented prior to final review and approval. These data and information are provided with the understanding that they are not guaranteed to be correct or complete. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using them for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, such data and information are the sole responsibility of the user.

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