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Consumer Protection Services


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Oklahoma City 73105
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Pesticide Containment and Containment Pad Determination

Pesticide Containment and Containment Pad

The U.S. EPA regulations require secondary containment units where bulk pesticides are stored and containment pads where bulk pesticides are transferred by August 16, 2009. The specific regulations are in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Subpart E—Standards for Pesticide Containment Structures. This includes 40 CFR 165.80 through 165.97. The EPA Container & Containment Rule includes secondary containment, load pads, shut-off valves, inspection documentation, and more. The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF) adopted these regulations by reference in the Combined Pesticide Law and Rules (35:30-17-89.1).

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