Adams County
Small Acreage

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Adams County Small Acreage Newsletter


Welcome to the first issue of a newsletter/e-letter intended to give you the timely information needed to make your experience as a small acreage owner enjoyable and successful. The plan is for this newsletter to be posted quarterly, giving you a “heads up” on seasonal topics you should be planning for as you work to develop and maintain your property. We’ll also cover breaking news that might affect how you live and work on your land.

Initially, the newsletter will be posted to the Colorado State University Extension – Adams County website in February, April, July and October. I will send a reminder directly to cooperators via e-mail with the link when the new edition is posted. If you received notification of this first newsletter, I have your e-mail address from working with you on some type of small acreage question. Please e-mail this link to friends and acquaintances with small acreages or who might be considering purchasing acreage. They can then let me know if they would like to be added to the “E-mail address list”. Please let me know if your e-mail address changes, by sending your name and NEW e-mail address to

Please enjoy this newsletter. I hope you find it a valuable resource in managing your small acreage.

Features in the last newsletter:

So you have (or dream of) a small acreage?
The Wait is Over! Revised small acreage manual now available
The basics of dryland grass establishment
Conserving water by planting low-water use plants/Xeriscape
Spring means livestock births – are you ready?
Protect your livestock with the NAIS


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