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Scientific NameCommon NameGlobal RankState RankState StatusProposed State StatusFederal Status
Acidic broadleaf swampAcidic Broadleaf SwampG5S3   
Acidic glacial lakeAcidic Glacial LakeGNRS2S3   
Acidic glacial peatland complex GNRSNR   
Acidic shrub swampAcidic Shrub SwampG5S3   
Alder - ninebark wetland GNRS3   
Alder - sphagnum wetland GNRS4   
Alnus rugosa swampSpeckled Alder SwampGNRSNR   
Basin graminoid-forb fenBasin Graminoid-forb FenGNRS1   
Big bluestem - indian grass river grassland GNRS3   
Birch (black-gum) rocky slope woodland GNRS2   
Black cherry - northern hardwood forest GNRS4   
Black spruce - tamarack palustrine woodland GNRS2   
Black spruce - tamarack peatland forest GNRS3   
Boreal conifer swampBoreal Conifer SwampGNRS3   
Bottomland oak - hardwood palustrine forest GNRS2   
Broadleaf-conifer swampBroadleaf-conifer SwampGNRS3S4   
Buckthorn - sedge (carex interior) - golden ragwort fen GNRS1   
Buttonbush wetland GNRS4   
Calcareous glacial lakeCalcareous Glacial LakeGNRS1   
Calcareous opening/cliff GNRS2   
Calcareous riverside outcrop communityCalcareous Riverside Outcrop CommunityGNRS1   
Calcareous seepage swampCalcareous Seepage SwampGNRS1   
Cattail marsh GNRS5   
Central appalachian shale barrenCentral Appalachian Shale BarrenGNRS1   
Circumneutral broadleaf swampCircumneutral Broadleaf SwampGNRS2S3   
Circumneutral shrub swampCircumneutral Shrub SwampGNRS3   
Coastal plain forestCoastal Plain ForestGNRS1   
Cyperaceae-poaceae colonySedge-grass ColonyGNRSNR   
Dry oak - heath woodland GNRS3   
Dry oak-mixed hardwood forest GNRS3   
Dulichium arundinaceum/sphagnum sp. colonyThree-way Sedge/sphagnum MossGNRSNR   
Eastern serpentine barrensEastern Serpentine BarrensG2S2   
Ephemeral/fluctuating limestone sinkholeEphemeral/fluctuating Limestone SinkholeGNRS1   
Ephemeral/fluctuating natural poolEphemeral/fluctuating Natural PoolGNRS3   
Floodplain forestFloodplain ForestGNRS2   
Floodplain swampFloodplain SwampGNRS1   
Freshwater intertidal marshFreshwater Intertidal MarshG3G4S1   
Freshwater intertidal mudflatFreshwater Intertidal MudflatG3G4S1   
Golden saxifrage - pennsylvania bitter-cress spring run GNRS3S4   
Golden saxifrage - sedge rich seep GNRS2   
Graminoid marshGraminoid MarshGNRS3   
Great lakes region lakeplain palustrine forest GNRS1   
Great lakes region scarp seep GNRS1   
Heath barrensHeath BarrensGNRS1?N  
Hemlock (white pine) - red oak - mixed hardwood forest GNRS4   
Hemlock (white pine) -northern hardwood forest GNRS5   
Hemlock (white pine) forest GNRS4   
Hemlock - mixed hardwood palustrine forest GNRS3S4   
Hemlock - tuliptree - birch forest GNRS4   
Hemlock palustrine forest GNRS3   
Herbaceous vernal pond GNRS3S4   
High-gradient clearwater creekHigh-gradient Clearwater CreekGNRS3   
Highbush blueberry - sphagnum wetland GNRS5   
Leatherleaf - bog rosemary peatland GNRS2S3   
Leatherleaf - sedge wetland GNRS3   
Leatherleaf -cranberry peatland GNRS2S3   
Low heath shrubland GNRS1   
Many fruited sedge - bladderwort peatland GNRS2   
Mesic central forestMesic Central ForestGNRS2   
Mesic scrub oak-heath-pitch pine barrensMesic Scrub Oak-heath-pitch Pine BarrensGNRS1N  
Mixed forb marsh GNRS3   
Mixed graminoid-robust emergent marshMixed Graminoid-robust Emergent MarshGNRS2S3   
Mixed mesophytic forest GNRS1S2   
Natural pondNatural PondGNRS2S3   
Nonglacial bogNonglacial BogGNRS3   
Northern appalachian acidic cliff communityNorthern Appalachian Acidic Cliff CommunityG5S5   
Northern appalachian acidic rocky summit communityNorthern Appalachian Acidic Rocky Summit CommunityGNRS2   
Northern appalachian acidic seep communityNorthern Appalachian Acidic Seep CommunityGNRS3?   
Northern appalachian boulder fieldNorthern Appalachian Boulder FieldGNRS5   
Northern appalachian calcareous cliff communityNorthern Appalachian Calcareous Cliff CommunityGNRS2   
Northern appalachian calcareous rocky summit communityNorthern Appalachian Calcareous Rocky Summit CommunityG2?S1   
Northern appalachian circumneutral seep communityNorthern Appalachian Circumneutral Seep CommunityGNRS3?   
Northern appalachian shale barrenNorthern Appalachian Shale BarrenGNRS2N  
Northern appalachian shale cliff communityNorthern Appalachian Shale Cliff CommunityGNRS2   
Northern appalachian spruce rocky summitNorthern Appalachian Spruce Rocky SummitGNRS1   
Northern conifer forestNorthern Conifer ForestG5S3S4   
Northern conifer swampNorthern Conifer SwampGNRS3S4   
Northern hardwood forestNorthern Hardwood ForestGNRS3S4   
Northern hardwood forest GNRS4   
Northern hardwood-conifer forestNorthern Hardwood-conifer ForestGNRS3   
Oligotrophic glacial kettlehole bogGlacial BogGNRS3   
Open sedge (carex stricta, c. prairea, c. lacustris) fen GNRS1   
Pinus strobus forestWhite Pine ForestGNRSNR   
Pitch pine - mixed hardwood woodland GNRS2S3   
Pitch pine - mixed oak forest GNRS4   
Pitch pine - scrub oak woodland GNRS2S3   
Poison sumac - red-cedar - bayberry fen GNRS1   
Poor fenPoor FenGNRS1   
Prairie sedge - spotted joe-pye-weed marsh GNRS1S2   
Red maple - black ash palustrine forest GNRS2S3   
Red maple - black-gum palustrine forest GNRS3S4   
Red maple - elm - willow floodplain swamp GNRS2   
Red maple - magnolia coastal plain palustrine forest GNRS1   
Red maple - mixed shrub palustrine woodland GNRS5   
Red oak - mixed hardwood forest GNRS5   
Red spruce palustrine forest GNRS3   
Red spruce palustrine woodland GNRS2S3   
Red-cedar - mixed hardwood rich shale woodland GNRS1S2   
Red-cedar - redbud shrubland GNRS2   
Rich hemlock - mesic hardwoods forest GNRS2S3   
Ridgetop dwarf-tree forestQuercus Ilicifolia-kalmia Latifolia-p. RigidaG4S3   
River gravel communityRiver Gravel CommunityGNRS4S5   
Riverside ice scour community GNRS1S2   
Riverside outcrop communityRiverside Outcrop CommunityGNRS1S2   
Robust emergent marshRobust Emergent MarshGNRS2   
Scrub oak shrubland GNRS3   
Shrub fenShrub FenG2G3S1   
Side-oats gramma calcareous grassland GNRS1   
Silver maple floodplain forest GNRS3   
Skunk cabbage - golden saxifrage forest seep GNRS4S5   
Solution cave aquatic communitySolution Cave Aquatic CommunityGNRS3   
Sphagnum - beaked rush peatland GNRS3   
Spring run communitySpring Run CommunityGNRS1S2   
Sugar maple - basswood GNRS4   
Sweet gum - oak coastal plain forest GNRS1   
Sycamore - (river birch) - box-elder floodplain forest GNRS3   
Talus cave communityTalus Cave CommunityGNRS2S4   
Talus slope forestTalus Slope ForestGNRS2?   
Tectonic cave communityTectonic Cave CommunityGNRS3S4   
Tuliptree- beech -maple forest GNRS4   
Tussock sedge marsh GNRS4   
Typha latifolia/sphagnum spCommon Cattail/sphagnum MossGNRSNR   
Virginia pine - mixed hardwood forest GNRS5   
Virginia pine - mixed hardwood shale woodland GNRS2   
Water-willow (decodon verticillatus) shrub wetland GNRS3   
Waterfall and plungepoolWaterfall and PlungepoolGNRS3S4   
Weakly minerotrophic lakeside bogWeakly Minerotrophic Lakeside BogGNRS2N  
Wild rice - water-hemp tidal marsh GNRS2S3   
Xeric central conifer forestXeric Central Conifer ForestGNRS3S4   
Xeric central hardwood forestXeric Central Hardwood ForestGNRS5   
Xeric central hardwood-conifer forestXeric Central Hardwood-conifer ForestGNRS3   
Yellow oak - redbud woodland GNRS2