University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Lawn & Garden


Growing Raspberries, G1580
This NebGuide describes different varieties of raspberries and advises how to choose the best one for your needs. It covers planting, pruning and harvesting.

Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, G1264
Proper storage methods and conditions for fresh fruits and vegetables.


Care of Cactus in the Home, G187
This NebGuide discuses the care of cacti as houseplants.

Chip Budding: An Old Grafting Technique , G1518
Chip budding is one propagation method used on woody plants. This NebGuide explains what plants are best suited to this method and how to do it.

Coldframes and Hotbeds, G1718
Coldframes and hotbeds are perfect for gardeners and growers who want to extend or get a jump on the growing season. Find out how to build your own.

Consumer Landscape Herbicide Products, NF603
Recommendations for controlling lawn and garden weeds and a list of common herbicides, including their product name, manufacturer, targeted weeds, timing, packaging and comments.

Container Gardening, G1363
Growing flowers, vegetables, and other plants in containers provides many gardening opportunities to people who lack garden space, time or have physical limitations.

Evaluating the Landscape of a Prospective Home, G1209
This NebGuide discusses facts to consider when examining a prospective home's yard and landscape.

Garden Compost, G810
This NebGuide discusses the advantages of compost, the compost heap, ingredients, uses and instructions for making compost.

Garden Terms: Plant Classification, EC1258
Learn how plants are grouped together by similar characteristics to help describe how they look and grow.

Garden Terms: Reproductive Plant Morphology — Seeds, Flowers, and Fruits, EC1257
Learn the common reproductive plant morphology terms for seeds, flowers, and fruits.

Garden Terms: Vegetative plant morphology - Stems, Leaves, and Roots, EC1259
Learn what types of stems, leaves, and roots are found in plants and the roles they play in plant growth.

Garden Terms: Vegetative plant morphology - Stems, Leaves, and Roots, EC1259
Learn what types of stems, leaves, and roots are found in plants and the roles they play in plant growth.

Landscape Sustainability, G1405
Use aesthetic, functional and environmentally sound design principles to create a sustainable landscape.

Landscape Weed Management, EC1256
Weeds are a major problem for professional landscape managers and homeowners. Identifying the weed and following the integrated weed management program explained here is the best strategy for reducing weeds in lawns and gardens.

Landscapes for Shade, G1341
Shade can be an asset in the landscape if the special needs of shade-loving plants are considered.

Mulches for the Home Landscape, G1257
Inorganic and organic mulches can benefit a lawn, garden or field but must be understood before use, if gardeners and landscapers want the best results.

Weights and Measures Guidelines for Sales at Farmers' Markets, Roadside Stands and Other Commercial Outlets, NF344
Retail sale of fruits, vetetables and other items, including those at farmers' markets and roadside stands, is regulated by the Nebraska Weights and Measures Act. Learn about what's required by the Act and how to comply.

Winter Deicing Agents for the Homeowner, G1121
Information on deicers and how they affect plants is covered here.


Annual Flowers for Nebraska, G739
List of annual flowers appropriate for growing in Nebraska

Annuals for Nebraska Landscapes I: Flowering Plants, G1774
Annuals are non-woody plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season and allow different colorful landscape displays to be created from year to year.

Annuals for Nebraska Landscapes II: Foliage, Grasses, Fruit and Vines, G1775
While most annual plants are grown for their flowers, some can be grown for their foliage, fruit and trailing growth habit.

Clematis, G1861
Any type of Clematis - vine, groundcover or shrub - will add summer-long color to a landscape. Learn how to select and care for this popular plant.

Culture of Iris, G1741
Iris culture emphasizes the best in site selectionand preparation, planning, culture and insect and disease control.

Daylilies, G1412
Daylilies are easy to grow, have few insect and disease problems, are available in many colors and tolerate heat, drought, salt, compacted soil and various pHs.

Garden Chrysanthemums, G1711
Site selection, soil preparation, planting and care of chrysanthemums are discussed.

Geranium (Pelargonium), G190
Covers indoor and outdoor care of geraniums, as well as propagation.

Guide to Selecting Houseplants, G837
This Extension guide lists water, humidity, light, and temperature needs for a variety of houseplants to help you select ones best suited to your situation.

Home Landscape: Understanding the Basics of Landscape Design, EC1254
Basic principles of landscape design, including function, repetition, rhythm, unity, balance, color and proportion, and how to apply these principles to enhance your landscape. Well illustrated with photos and diagrams that help the reader solve landscape challenges and develop a landscape plan. Cost is $6.50. Order now.

Hostas, G1683
Shade loving hostas come in a variety of sizes and colors. When properly located and cared for, they are a valuable asset to home landscapes.

Lilacs, G1860
Lilacs are versatile, hardy, easy-to-grow and come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Learn about the available cultivars and how to care for this popular shrub.

Ornamental Grasses for Nebraska Landscapes, G1691
This NebGuide discusses the selection and care of ornamental grasses in the landscape.

Peonies, G1620
This NebGuide discusses peonies, which are long-lived versatile landscape plants valued for their floral display, foliage texture and late-season drought tolerance.

Perennials in Water-Wise Landscapes, G1214
Drought-tolerant perennials can help conserve water, reduce watering maintenance and still provide multi-season color and interest.

Propagating House Plants, G1853
The process of propagating various house plants is described in this NebGuide, which includes a listing of common house plants and how-to methods of propagating.

Spring Flowering Bulbs, G1742
Selecting, planting, caring for, harvesting and forcing spring flowering bulbs are discussed in this publication.

Trees in the Home Landscape, G1747
Trees are important parts of home landscapes. This guide describes the functional and aesthetic benefits of using trees, as well as basic growth and maintenance requirements.

Wildflowers for the Home Landscape, G1074
Wildflowers and native plants are not the same, but make interesting additions to Nebraska landscapes once sown, cultivated and weeded appropriately.


Integrated Turfgrass Management for the Northern Great Plains, EC1557
This 254-page book provides indepth information and "how-to" guides for every stage of turfgrass establishment and maintenance. It also includes identification guides and management recommendations for major pests and diseases. It is available at local UNL Extension offices. Cost is $25. Order online.

Irrigated Production of Warm-Season Grass Seed in the High Plains, G1531
Proper furrow irrigation practices can minimize water application, irrigation costs and chemical leaching and result in higher crop yields.

Kentucky Bluegrass Lawn Calendar, G517
This NebGuide discusses the maintenance schedule Kentucky Bluegrass.

Selecting a Lawn Care Company, G1617
Discusses reasons for use and criteria for selecting a lawn care company.

Tall Fescue Lawn Calendar, G558
This NebGuide discusses when to take care of tall fescue lawn problems and issues

Thatch Prevention and Control , G1618
This NebGuide describes how tatch accumulation damages turfgrass sites, and gives methods for removing accumulations and preventing their reoccurence.

Turf in the Landscape, G1418
Turf can be a significant part of successful landscaping by reducing runoff, reducing glare and providing other benefits.

Zoysiagrass Lawn Calendar, G877
The maintenance schedule for zoysiagrass.


Blossom End Rot in Tomatoes, G1752
Identifying and preventing blossom end rot in tomatoes is covered in this NebGuide.

Early Season Extension Using Hotcaps, G1745
Three main types of hotcaps are described and their effects and/or benefits on protecting tomato plants are evaluated.

Eggplant, G1905
The tender and often purple eggplant is closely related to sweet pepper, tomato and potato, but not grown as frequently as these garden favorites. This NebGuide examines the best cultivars and techniques to successfully grow eggplant in the home garden.

Fall Vegetable Gardening, G1343
The possibilities for and needs of a fall garden.

Fertilizers for Vegetables in Home Gardens, G945
This NebGuide discusses how to manage soil and nutrients when growing vegetables, including soil testing, soil pH, organic matter and the use of commercial fertilizers.

Garden Peppers, G1879
This NebGuide addresses how to grow sweet, pungent and ornamental peppers.

General and Specialty Mail-Order Seed Sources, G1895
List of seed companies that sell vegetables seeds, plants. Some may sell herbs and flowers.

Growing Seedless (Tripoid) Watermelons, G1755
Successfully growing seedless watermelons requires knowledge of triploid seed germination and transplant processes, both discussed in this NebGuide.

Selected Vegetable Cultivars for Nebraska, G1896
Find out what vegetables are liable to do well in your growing area.

Selecting Tomatoes for the Home Garden, G1864
This publication will help home gardeners choose from a variety of tomato cultivars to find what they want.

Tomatoes in the Home Garden, G1650
This NebGuide provides information on choosing cultivars, caring for and growing tomatoes in the home garden.

What is Quality ... In a Tomato?, G1746
Tomato quality assessment for sale, or buying tomatoes from a retail source, is covered in this publication.


Stormwater Management on Residential Lots, EC707
This publication describes how to guard against runoff of pollutants from residential lots.

Stormwater Management: Installing Rain Gardens in Your Yard, G1760
This is one of a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens to provide a functional and aesthetic means for reducing stormwater runoff in urban areas.

Stormwater Management: Landscape Water Conservation, G1859
This publication is part of a series addressing stormwater issues. It focuses on water conservation and water runoff from landscapes and their importance to the overall issue of stormwater management.

Stormwater Management: Pesticide Use in the Lawn and Garden, G1844
This NebGuide explains how the proper use and application of lawn and garden pesticides can prevent potential water contamination from stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Management: Plant Selection for Rain Gardens in Nebraska, G1759
This is one of a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens to provide a functional and aesthetic means for reducing stormwater runoff in urban areas.

Stormwater Management: Rain Garden Design for Homeowners , G1758
This is one of a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens to provide a functional and aesthetic means for reducing stormwater runoff in urban areas.

Stormwater Management: Water Pollution and Our Own Yards, G1848
This NebGuide describes practices to reduce water pollution and conserve water resources by reducing the amount of pollutants and runoff water that leave a property. This is part of a series.

Stormwater Management: Yard Waste Management, G1855
This NebGuide describes ways to prevent organic waste through composting and other means in preventing stormwater pollution. This is part of a series.