Adams County
Small Acreage

Home > Small Acreage Management > Code of the West


2008 4-H General Results


Small Acreage

When you move into the country, you're moving into a social and economic system that's been evolving for 150 years. Respect for property and people and willingness to lend a helping hand are the values that knit rural communities together. Get to know your neighbors; they're valuable sources of information on what it takes to live in the country. Neighboring farmers and ranchers will especially appreciate your learning about their operations and understanding how you can coexist with them.



C.A.R.T - A Manual for Success, 2nd Edition

Complete information on this and many other Small Acreage topics are now available in

C.A.R.T - A Manual for Success, 2nd Edition

CART manual
To obtain a copy of this book please contact the Adams County Small Acreage Coordinator 303.637.8003


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