National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)NREL HomeInnovation for Our Energy Future
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Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Research New Fuels Technology Impacts

New Fuels Technology Impacts Home

About the Project

Research and Development
Environmental Science
Health Effects
Modeling and Analysis

Publications and Presentations
Black Carbon Emissions and Climate Change Technical Workshop

Working with Us
Industry Participants

Data and Resources

Research and Development

The New Fuels Technology Impacts activity is designed to investigate emerging energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies to ensure these new technologies mitigate environmental, climate change, and health concerns rather than add to them. The project works closely with automobile manufacturers, engine manufacturers, the petroleum industry, the scientific community, and various environmental agencies.

  • Our Environmental Science research identifies the effect of advanced and alternative fuels on the environment. In particular, NREL is examining differences in weekday and weekend ozone levels in urban areas. To see a list of current environmental science projects, visit our Environmental Science page.

  • Health Effects research examines the impacts of advanced and alternative fuel use on human health. EPA studies have shown that some petroleum emissions may contribute to difficulty breathing, lung damage, and reduced cardiovascular functioning. For more information on our research in this area, visit the Health Effects page.

In addition, NREL is helping to develop state of the art modeling and analysis tools to accurately predict the effect that advanced vehicle technologies have on the environment and our health. To see NREL's modeling and analysis work, visit the Modeling and Analysis page.

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