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Modeling and Analysis

The key to predicting the effect of emerging transportation technologies on the environment and human health lies in developing accurate modeling and analysis tools. Toward this end, NREL is participating in efforts to create emissions models that will allow us to identify and quantify emissions from various mobile sources.

MOBILE Model Development

The purpose of this collaborative U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/industry study is to obtain on-road particulate matter (PM) emissions data from gasoline-powered vehicles, so those data can serve as input to EPA's new MOBILE6.4 PM emissions model. Recently completed field studies suggest that PM emissions from light-duty gasoline-powered vehicles are much higher than predicted by EPA's current model MOBILE6.2, and the data acquired under this project will ultimately provide more accurate emissions inventories nationwide.

For more information, see our Publications page.

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