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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Hearing Loss Prevention

Inputs: Partners

Partnerships are integral to the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Program. Input from customers and stakeholder groups, which have inherent knowledge and concern about preventing work-related hearing loss helps in setting research priorities. Collaborative research with our partners may include in-kind contributions which help to leverage NIOSH research dollars. Partners also add expertise or specialized experience to the research team, which benefits the research, analysis, interpretation, and communication of the results.

NIOSH hearing loss prevention researchers collaborate and work closely with a broad spectrum of the hearing conservation community. The stakeholder and customer list is extensive, including industry, labor, academia, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and professional organizations both domestic and international. These organizations may be research partners; they may also be users of our technology and scientific findings, peer reviewers, recipients of research grants and contracts, or sources of equipment, technology, or knowledge for advancing research in the hearing conservation community.

As part of the NA review of NIOSH hearing loss research, an inventory of partners and stakeholders was developed for each of the four current research areas. For each of these contacts, the nature of the relationship, the goals for the relationship, and any products or outcomes from the relationship are described. This inventory may be reviewed at:

For information about partnering with the NIOSH Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities Program, contact the Hearing Loss Prevention Program coordinator. For general information about partnerships with NIOSH, contact the NIOSH Office of Research and Technology Transfer.

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NIOSH Program:

Hearing Loss Prevention

sound waves, ear