UC Davis Entomology Program
Ranked the Best in the Country

Lynn Kimsey: Department Chair
Centennial: Entomology Department Making a Difference
The UC Davis Department of Entomology is ranked No. 1 in the country, in rankings released in November 2007 by the Chronicle of Higher Education, considered the top news and job-information source for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students.   -more-

  bee on pomegranateDesign Competition
Under Way for Bee Friendly Garden
A nationwide competition is now under way to design a half-acre bee friendly garden at the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility, UC Davis. This will be a pollinator paradise that will meet the nutritional needs of honey bees and serve as a living laboratory. "It will provide a much needed, year-around food source for our bees," said Lynn Kimsey, chair of the Department of Entomology and director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology. "We anticipate it also will be a gathering place to inform and educate the public about bees. We are grateful to Häagen-Dazs for its continued efforts to ensure bee health." The deadline to enter is Jan. 30, 2009. See news story. See fact sheet. See design parameters and list of seasonal blooming plants.

  Eli SarnatWant to Identify Invasive Ants? Eli Sarnat Creates Interactive Ant Key
 If you want to identify red imported fire ants and other invasive ants found in the Pacific Island region, a newly launched Web site by graduate student Eli Sarnat will help you do just that. Sarnat created the interactive ant key to assist users in identifying invasive ant species commonly encountered in the Pacific Island region. “This is one of the most clearly organized and informative sites I've ever seen,” said Lynn Kimsey, department chair. “It should be an invaluable resource for anyone needing information about pest ants in the Pacific Basin and elsewhere.”-more-


Louie YangLouie Yang Joins Faculty
Community ecologist Louie Yang, who received his doctorate in population biology at UC Davis in 2006, has joined the UC Davis Department of Entomology as an assistant professor, effective Jan. 2.
“Louie is one of our rising stars,” said Lynn Kimsey, chair of the Department of Entomology and director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology. “His work on resource pulses has led to the creation of a new field of ecological study.”

  Scolytidae'Bark Beetle and Fungi' Topic of Seminar
The third in the winter series of 10 seminars will take place Wednesday, Jan. 21 in 122 Briggs Hall. Diana Six, professor of forest entomology and pathology, Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences at the University of Montana, will speak on "The Role of Fungi in Bark Beetle-Fungus Symbioses: A Challenge to the Classic Paradigm?" Hosts are Jiri Hulcr and Andrea Lucky. See entire schedule.


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Friday, January 16, 2009

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    Business Office Hours

    367 Briggs Hall
    (530) 752-0475

    8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.

    Dept. Chair
    Lynn Kimsey
    Professor of Entomology
    Director, Center for Biosystematics
    Director, Bohart Museum of Entomology
    Email: lskimsey@ucdavis.edu
    Office phone: (530) 752-0475

    Barbara Geisler
    Email: bcgeisler@ucdavis.edu
    Office phone: (530) 752-0476

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    Department of Entomology, UC Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8584     phone: (530) 752-0475     fax: (530) 752-1537

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    This page last updated:    January 14, 2009


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