Gardening Articles: Health :: Houseplants


Spider Mites

By National Gardening Association Editors

Spider Mites

There are numerous kinds of mites, also known as spider mites, and many feed on plants. They congregate in dense colonies in webs on the undersides of leaves. Symptoms of...

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Tip of the Day

Group Houseplants

In winter, houseplants often suffer due to dry indoor air. To keep the growing area humid, use a humidifier or group foliage houseplants such as rubber trees and ficus together placing them on a tray filled with water and pebbles.

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Bringing Xeriscape to Pots Up North

Bringing Xeriscape to Pots Up North
"Come smell," urges Trisha of Tampa, pulling 10-foot-tall stems of yellow flowers down to our noses. "This sunflower is honey sweet." With some two dozen thick, arching, woody stalks, this "flower" looks more shrub-like than herbaceous. It reminds me of the difference between 3-foot rosemary "bushes ... [more]

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