Western Mountains and High Plains

January 15, 2009
By John Cretti,
Denver, CO

In My Garden

Think Vegetable Gardening in 2009


You're probably as tired of all the news about the economy being on the downslide as am I, so let's talk about a gardening activity that will lift our spirits and provide us with healthful, organic food. It's a great opportunity to get outdoors, be...
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Favorite or New Plant

Amur Maple One of the outstanding characteristics of Amur maple ( Acer ginnala ) is its brilliant red...

Clever Gardening Technique

Coax Bromeliad to Bloom If you have a bromeliad plant that has stopped producing blooms, or started a pineapple top, you...

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Regional Reminders
  • An Alternative to De-icing Salts
  • Wood Ashes on Garden Soils
  • Leave Snow Around Plants
  • Keeping Your Poinsettia
  • Getting Rid of Pesky White Flies
  • Read more »

National News

From NGA Editors

Something Old and Something New in Tomatoes

National News

It’s the New Year. With the staggering economy, many people are looking to grow more of their own vegetables this year. With that in mind, I thought to highlight some of the best new varieties of...

Two Tough Greens

There’s nothing like fresh greens from the garden in spring. Two of the stars in the early spring greens garden are arugula and kale. They are tough, cold tolerate, tasty, and nutritious. Here are...

Not So Hot Pepper

Lovers of spicy foods know that any dish with habanero peppers in it will knock your socks off. Considered one of the hottest pepper types, habaneros must be used with caution when handling and...

Two New Cabbages

Cabbages may not be the type of vegetable that gets people excited, but these two new varieties have some great advantages that might inspire you grow them. ‘Icy Fingers’ cabbage is one of...

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