How-To Videos

Welcome to NGA's new How-To Video series. Gardening is a practical art and pictures are worth a thousand words. NGA's Charlie Nardozzi created these brief, but focused, how-to videos to show you how to perform basic gardening tasks easily and accurately. Enjoy the shows. For more How-to Projects visit our library »

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Designing a Container Garden

Designing container flower gardens doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming. Charlie demonstrates the basics of creating beautiful flower combinations with little effort.

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Making a Raised Bed Garden

Making a Raised Bed Garden

Raised beds are the best way to grow most vegetables and herbs. The soil drains faster, is easier to work, and is less weedy ..Watch »

Controlling Deer

Controlling Deer

Deer plague gardens across the country. They munch on flowers, vegetables, trees, and shrubs and can decimate a garden overnight .. Watch »

Maintaining a Vegetable Garden

Maintaining a Vegetable Garden

You've planted your veggie garden, but there's work still to be done. Charlie demonstrates .. Watch »

Pruning a Hedge

Pruning a Hedge

Evergreen hedges create visual and physical barriers around yards. Charlie helps you select the right hedge plant .. Watch »

Controlling Slugs

Controlling Slugs

Slugs and snails love to munch on flower and vegetable leaves, especially those in cool, dark areas .. Watch »

Dividing Perennial Flowers

Dividing Perennial Flowers

Perennial flowers are beautiful, but many grow so fast they need to be divided every few years to look their best. Charlie shows you .. Watch »

Planting Spring Flowering Bulbs

Planting Spring Flowering Bulbs

Across the country fall is the time to plant spring bulbs. To get great color and pop from your .. Watch »

Planting a Tree

Planting a Tree

Trees and shrubs add beauty to landscapes. Charlie shows you the steps for planting a .. Watch »

Fall Lawn Care

Fall Lawn Care

Fall is the perfect time of year to work on lawns. Charlie demonstrates how to patch .. Watch »

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