Cleveland's Bush Monkey Flower [Mimulus clevelandii Bdg.]

Cleveland's Bush Monkey Flower [Mimulus clevelandii Bdg.]

Listing CNPS List 4 R-E-D Code 1-1-2

State/Federal. Status -- None SCROPHULARIACEAE May-Jul.

Global Rank G2G3 State Rank S?

Distribution: San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County; Baja California, Mexico

Habitat: Chaparral and Lower Montane Coniferous Forest are both utilized by this showy herbaceous perennial. This species is somewhat intermediate between the woodier elements in the genus Diplacus, and the annual members of Mimulus. San Miguel-Exchequer rocky silt loams are the soil type utilized on Otay Mountain; this species appears to strictly follow metavolcanic or gabbroic soils. Generally the microhabitat consists of open locales in xeric chaparral dominated by Chamise, with exposed rock nearby and shallow soils available. This species is often found near the summits of mountain peaks, and may have some limiting temperature requirements for optimal habitat.

Known Sites: Several populations are flourishing at higher elevations of Otay Mountain. It is locally abundant on the summit of Black Mountain-Lusardi. Old reports are from Guatay Peak, Corte Madera, 2 miles northeast of the Corral Canyon Forest Station, Tecate Peak, the Agua Tibia Mountains, Los Pinos Mountain, 1 mile east of Green Valley Falls, Japacha Peak, Harrison Grade, Pine Valley, the Agua Tibia Mountains, Lawson Peak, Viejas Mountain, and Cherry Flat on Cuyamaca Peak. Diplacus is also reported by Roberts in the Santa Ana Mountains at Upper Silverado Canyon, Trabuco Canyon, and Hot Springs Canyon; as well as on Santiago Peak and Modjeska Peak.

This monkey flower grows south in Baja California to 32 3' North where collected by Moran (SD 75794) on the summit of Cerro Blanco. Only 4 specimens for Baja California are now found at the San Diego Herbarium.

Status: Cleveland's Bush Monkey Flower populations in San Diego County are stable. It is potentially impacted by transmitting equipment often erected at mountaintop locales, as this species has a strong preference for peaks and upper ridgelines. All substantial populations should be protected; significant portions of smaller, isolated populations should be placed into biological open spaces.

Copyright © May 1994 Craig H. Reiser.

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