Brewer's Calandrinia [Calandrinia breweri Wats.]

Brewer's Calandrinia [Calandrinia breweri Wats.]

Listing CNPS List 4 R-E-D Code 1-2-2

State/Federal. Status -- None PORTULACACEAE Mar.-Jun.

Global Rank G3? State Rank G3.2?

Distribution: San Diego County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Contra Costa County, Mendocino County, Monterey County, Mariposa County, Marin County, Napa County, Santa Barbara County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, San Luis Obisbo County, San Mateo County, Sonora County, Ventura County; Baja California, Mexico

Habitat: This species is typically reported from recent burns in chaparral and coastal sage scrub.

Known Sites: San Diego County herbarium collections have been examined from burns on the crest of Poway Grade, the north slope of San Miguel Mountain, Point Loma; as well as from Morro Bay in San Luis Obispo County. Thomas reports this species from the Santa Cruz Mountains from Stevens Creek Reservoir, near Loma Prieta, and China Grade. Raven reports this species in the Santa Monica Mountains of Los Angeles County at unspecified burned or disturbed chaparral areas. Smith reports this plant in the Santa Barbara region as scattered on burns and in disturbed places in the Santa Ynez Mountains and on Burton Mesa north to Lompoc. Bowerman reports this species in the Mount Diablo region from Eagle Ridge south of Twin Peaks, and from Oyster Ridge west of Riggs Canyon. Hoover reports this annual as common in burned chaparral areas, usually in sandy soil, eastward to the La Panza Range; he mentions it is seldom seen except following a fire.

One specimen was found in the herbarium of the San Diego Natural History Museum from Baja California. It was collected at 31 59' North at Rancho de la Cruz by Moran (SD 110744).

Status: This fire-following annual is apparently rare in Southern California; its populations are presumed to be declining due to loss of habitat along the coast. It may be mistaken for the superficially similar Calandrinia ciliata which is abundant in the area. Brewer's Calandrinia has a distinctive seed capsule which extends well beyond the calyx. All populations south of the Santa Monica Mountains should be protected.

Copyright © May 1994 Craig H. Reiser.

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