Crop Science Society of America American Phytopathological Society American Society of Agronomy Plant Management Network


Plant Management Network's
Peer-Reviewed Journals


Applied Turfgrass Science is a peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to providing timely information to the turfgrass industry through research, review, and news articles. Its scope is all aspects of the turfgrass industry, but focuses primarily on research and information that is relevant to the practicing turfgrass professional.


Crop Management seeks to serve the crop management profession by providing timely and relevant research information in an easily accessible format. It is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied crop management. Both peer-reviewed and fully citable, the journal is a credible online-only publication.


Forage and Grazinglands is a peer-reviewed journal serving the forage and grazinglands profession by providing timely and relevant research information in an easily accessible format. It is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied forage and grazinglands management. Fully citable, it is a credible online-only publication.


Plant Health Progress is a multidisciplinary science-based journal covering all aspects of applied plant health management in agriculture and horticulture. Both peer-reviewed and fully citable, the journal is a credible online-only publication. The journal is a collaborative endeavor of the plant health community at large, serving practitioners worldwide.

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